No One Compares To You

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1. "Like ships in the night, we never collide"

Jack & Jack have mentioned before in their book that they hardly ever get into arguments, basically saying they "never collide"

2. "Need you even after all this time"

They've been best friends for like 18 years and still need each other

3. "You can't be replaced even if I tried"

Both of their names are Jack, so he's saying that he can't just find another 'Jack' to replace him and have that same connection

4. "There's no way that someone else could make me ever feel the same way that you do"

They are both guys so sexually there's no female out there that could make him feel the same way J does (ok this ones a stretch but still it is valid!!!)

If you think of any other verses with hidden meanings behind them, message me and I'll give you credits!!! Remember that this is all for fun and not necessarily true. Any hate will get you blocked and reported. Thanks! Love you guys!!!

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