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1. "Got me looking at you in a different way now"

G is thinking of J in a different way than before, as a boyfriend

2. "And we'll keep on climbin' this ladder of love"

In the Doing It Right music video, they are climbing a latter. G is referencing something that they were both in

3. "There's no ceiling"

They were on a roof, therefore there was no ceiling

4. "The valet's pullin' up the whip, girl, you can come inside it"

Maybe J meant that G can "cum" inside his ass... Who knows? It kinda makes sense...

I'm sooooo sorry I haven't been updating this much... I've been super busy lately.

Also... My friend and I started a YouTube channel called Santay & Potato so please go like our videos, subscribe, and comment!!!! It'd mean a lot!!!!

I love you guys! And remember that these are for fun, not 100% serious.

Jolinsky ProofWhere stories live. Discover now