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Jung-Hwa left early for work to meet her at department store, Ae-cha waited for half an hour and it was all worth it when she saw Jung-Hwa coming in, she immidiately approached her fiancé and gave him a peck on his cheeks. Jung-Hwa then showered her with kisses on top of her head.

“Why are we here? Are you going to buy something for your parents?” she curiously asked while Jung-Hwa is busy looking for something at the women's section.

Jung-Hwa took a beautiful but simple dress and showed it to her, “Give it a try, come on, Ae-cha. This dress is perfect for you.”

Jung-Hwa picked a pink dress for her.

Ae-cha smiled but felt uneasy, “I'm fine with what I'm wearing now, you don't have to spend anymore. We're just gonna meet your parents, right?”

Jung-Hwa took a heavy breath, he then gently pulled her inside the fitting room. “You also need to try something else, i think it's time for you to get out of your comfort zone, my Ae-cha. You're gonna be extra beautiful tonight, okay? Everything's going to turn out well.”

She could do nothing but to follow Jung-Hwa, even if it's against her will, she still wear the dress for him.

Jung-Hwa often makes the decision for her and because she loves him so much, she would never say no and just simply obeys what Jung-Hwa wants for her, because as Jung-Hwa always says, he knows what's best for her.

Jung-Hwa bought the dress then she put it on, the dress perfectly fits on her.

They went to the house of Jung-Hwa's parents. This is also the first time that Jung-Hwa has to introduced her to his parents— her soon to be in-laws.

Everyone knows that their relationship has been hidden for four years, the only ones who knew about them were just the closest people they met in college and when they found out that they were engaged, they were so happy and immidiately greeted them.

As they car stopped in front of a wide gate, her forehead twitched. Then she turned to Jung-Hwa, “Who told you to block someone's drive way?”

Jung-Hwa chuckled, “And who told you that I was blocking someone's drive way, huh?”

Jung-Hwa removed his seatbelt, opened the car door and went down to open the car door for her. Ae-cha's forehead is still twitching with astonishment.

Jung-Hwa grinned, “I'm very glad to have you here, my princess.”

Her eyes widened as Jung-Hwa opened their gate, a huge, expensive and rustic house exposed in her front. She could not imagine nor expected that Jung-Hwa's family would be this rich.

Jung-Hwa's really just a simple and humble person, he wouldn't brag about how wealthy his family is during their college days and even until now, she do not have any idea that the guy she's going to marry would be this wealthy. When it comes to Ae-cha, he becomes generous more than she ever expected.

Jung-Hwa helped her into their house, then went straight to the kitchen where Jung-Hwa's parents are already waiting.

They warmly welcomed Ae-cha into their dining area and probably as a part of family, Jung-Hwa's mother motioned them to take their seats.

Ae-cha almost forgot that she brought something for Jung-Hwa's mom, she shyly handed to her some homemade cookies.

Jung-Hwa's mother smiled sweetly as she thanked Ae-cha, but in reality, she was really nervous. Jung-Hwa's mother, Mrs. Kwon, looks like a grouchy person— not that she's being judgemental but she can sometimes tell what a person really is when she first met them. She can feel that his mother is only forced to treat her properly just because it's her first time in the house or maybe because Jung-Hwa is beside her.

Hello, My Old heart | BinJin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now