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Hello, My Old Heart

Cheong Ae Cha got up early, good thing she had set her alarm clock and woke up just on time. She had her mocha coffee and a piece of bread, she doesn't feel like eating a heavy meal for breakfast, because today she'll be having a long day.

She played her favorite music on track while she's on shower and happily sing on her own.

“Hello, my old heart
  how have you been?
  Are you still there inside my chest?”

She sang as if she were a professional singer.

“I've been so worried,
  You've been so still
  Barely beating at all
  Oh, oh, don't leave me here alone”

And she danced along with every beat of the song.

“Don't tell me that you've grown
  For having loved a little while
  Oh, oh, I don't wanna be alone”

Ae Cha closed her eyes as if she could feel each of the lyrics.

“I wanna find a home
And I wanna share it with you
Hello, my old heart
It's been so long
Since I've given you away—”

She was surprised by the subsequent pressing of someone on her door bell. She quickly took the bath robe and put it on and hurriedly went to the front door to open it.

Bo Seon suddenly appeared in front of her and then their eyes met. She suddenly felt embarrassed since she was still wearing bathrobe when she opened the door for him.

Her eyes widen while her mouth's open, she covered it and quickly closed the door.

“Kidarida!” she nervously shouted. (Wait!)

She hurriedly change her clothes, then she opened the door again.

She awkwardly smiled at Bo Seon, “Gaja? Did you wait long?” (Let's go)

“Anio.” Bo Seon shook his head as he opened the car door for Ae Cha.

“Kidarida.” she stopped and glared at Bo Seon,
“Why do you seem to be quiet? Do you have a problem?”

Bo Seon was forced to look and smile at her, “Nothing. Just go inside.”

Ae Cha got in the car as well as Bo Seon, they have a driver too. Bo Seon took the sit next to her.

“Who owns this car?” she curiously asked.

Bo Seon replied, “It's a company car.”

“Really? I didn't know the company would be this rich, huh.” the amusement was evident in her face.

“Won't you just tell me goodluck?” she asked trying to be cute.

Bo Seon chuckled, “Goodluck? For what? You'll just pass the resume and a few minute interview.”

She rolled her eyes and quit talking. She just watched as they passed by the road.

“I know you can do it.” Bo Seon suddenly uttered.

She doesn't know why it made her smile like a foolish, maybe it's just too good to feel like someone is believing in your dreams and she's more than grateful for Bo Seon.

“Kamsahamnida.” she mumbled but enough for Bo Seon to hear it.

“And about your story? I hope I can change your mind.” Bo Seon glanced at her, “Not everyone is like Jung Hwa, it doesn't matter how many people believes in you as long as there is one person who believes in you, that's enough reason for you to continue.”

Hello, My Old heart | BinJin (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now