Chapter 19

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The second I realized that it was Daryl, I took off running towards the others. By the time I got to them, they had Daryl hoisted between Rick and Shane. I gave Shane a look and then took over for him, putting Daryl's arm around my neck and hoisting him up, running back to the farm house with Rick. Andrea came and met us half way, and I shot her a dirty look.

We dragged Daryl up the stairs into the porch and then into a room that an old man, probably who everyone talked about who's name was Hershel, gestured us to set him on the bed.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" I whispered anxiously.

"The bullet only grazed him. He should be okay," Rick assured.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to work alone for the time being," the man said.

We all nodded and made our way out to the porch. Dale and Andrea were sitting down. I walked up to  Andrea and got into her face.

"We're you dropped on your head as a baby or were you just born stupid?" I demanded. She flinched back, her face full of regret. But I couldn't back down. "You could have killed him, and then what? We'd all lose any sense of direction in finding Sophia and then we'd starve to death. Do you even think before you act?"

Andrea sat there, speechless. Rick put a hand on my shoulder. "Rosaline, that's enough. Andrea made a mistake, but luckily nobody was seriously hurt."

"Nobody was seriously hurt? She shot Daryl in the fucking head!" I exploded.

"Calm down. Hershel will patch Daryl up and everything will be okay. I promise," Rick said. So the old man was Hershel. That was good to know.

I shot both Rick and Andrea dirty looks and I stalked inside. The door was open and Hershel was busy cleaning up Daryl. I walked inside, and Hershel looked up from his work.

"I thought I told you all to clear out," he said.

"I can't," I said softly, my voice pleading for him to let me stay with Daryl.

"He your husband?" Hershel asked. I shook my head. "Then what?"

"It's complicated," I said. He nodded.

"If you're gonna be in here, make yourself useful and get me some water from the faucet in the kitchen," he said. I nodded, then walked down the hall, not sure where the kitchen was but knowing I would most likely find it.

Maggie, the dark haired girl that had shown me to the bathroom, was in the kitchen when I finally found it. "I need something to put some water in," I said. She nodded, going over to the cupboards and handing me a large bowl and a wash cloth.

"Another injury?" Maggie asked.

"Yep. Daryl, the one with the crossbow. Andrea shot him, and who knows what else happened. He was pretty rough when he got back," I informed her. She nodded, taking the bowl from me and filling it, then handing it back. 

When I got back to the room, Daryl was regaining consciousness. The sight of me seemed to throw him, and his eyes widened. "How are you feeling?" I asked him quietly as Hershel cleaned the wound on his head.

"Just chipper," he said sarcastically. I cracked a smile.

"That's what I like to hear," I joked with a smile.

"You need to let me do you're back and side now," Hershel said.

"You mind leaving?" Daryl asked. I knitted my eyebrows together, puzzled, but I didn't argue.

I went back out onto the porch. Rick and the others were waiting there. They looked at me like I had everything they needed to know. I sighed angrily. I didn't want to tell them anything, but I knew they'd find out anyway. "He's conscious, Hershel's just cleaning a wound on his back," I said.

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