Chapter 28

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When I woke up, my head was pounding but I was lying on a soft mattress. There seemed to be something restraining my wrist, and I opened my eyes and craned my neck to see my wrists. Indeed, both were tied to the metal headboard of the bed with rope. I pulled on them, but the knots were too well tied and I couldn't break free.

Suddenly, the door swung open and a young man in a plain black t-shirt and black pants walked in and sat at the end of my bed. I flinched.

"Where the hell am I and what the hell do you want?" I demanded.

His eyebrows knitted together in confusion, and I could tell that it was genuine. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Exactly what I asked! Why am I tied up to a bed and why does my head hurt like a bitch?" I snapped.

"Sorry about you're head and the restraints. Olivia can be pretty rough sometimes," he said sheepishly.

"Who the hell is Olivia and what am I doing here?" I practically screamed, trying to get out of the knots.

The young man took out a knife and I flinched, despite wanting to kick myself after I did so. "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to cut you out of those ropes," the young man said with a sigh.

He cut the ropes and then sat back on the end of my bed. I eyed him suspiciously but refrained from trying to run out the door. I'd have never made it on my ankle anyway.

"What's your name?" I demanded finally.

"I'm Jordan, and my older sister's name is Olivia. What's yours?" he informed me.

"I'm Rosaline," I said after a moment.

"We should get you cleaned up and fed. Are you hurt in any way?" he asked.

"My ankle is badly sprained and my head hurts like a bitch," I admitted.

"We'll take you to doc and get you fixed up," Jordan said.

"I'm still really confused. What is this place?" I asked.

"It's an old school that we've managed to refurbish as a living facility. After the outbreak, my sister and I needed a place to stay, since we were from out of town, so we set up camp in an abandoned classroom. Since then tons of survivors have come her and stayed. We have a doctor, a teacher, and lots of other really useful people here. Olivia saw you out walking in the woods and she thought you were a lone survivor, so she, erm, picked you up and brought you back here," Jordan explained.

I looked around the room. I realized that the walls were covered in white boards and their were cupboards on the walls. Definitely a classroom.

"But I'm not a lone survivor. I am with a group. We are set up at an old farm house with the owner and his daughters. I'd be really grateful if I could go back," I said.

Jordan looked confused and then stood, walking to the door and calling out for Olivia. She came inside and I instantly knew that whenever she walked into a room, she commanded attention. She was supermodel tall and had bright blue eyes. It was hard not to be jealous of her.

"What?" she snapped at her brother.

"She's got a group," Jordan said quietly.

Olivia turned and looked at me and then smiled. "Then where was you're group honey?" she asked in a sickly sweet jersey accent.

"Back at a farm where we have camp. I was looking for my-" I gulped, "boyfriend, Daryl."

"Well why were you looking for him all by yourself?" she demanded nasally.

"The others aren't as fond of Daryl as I am," I admitted. "I joined their group late in the game and met Daryl when I did," I admitted.

"Well I don't believe you. What does this Daryl look like anyway?" she demanded.

"He's average height, dark, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, always wears sleeveless shirts. Carries a crossbow," I said.

Olivia's eyes grew wide and she turned to Jordan. "Isn't he the one we saw out in the woods the other day?" she whispered hurriedly.

Jordan nodded and turned to me. "We'll get you cleaned up and give you something for your headache and ankle and then we'll take you to wherever you need to go," Jordan said with a note of finality. I nodded.

Olivia led me down a locker lined hall to the girls locker room. She handed me a towel, washcloth, and some soap. "All the hot water in this building is heated by solar panels, so take it easy on the water," she informed me.

I nodded in agreement and she left me to shower.

When I finished, Jordan showed me to the cafeteria where an old lady was serving canned soup to a line of hungry survivors. I had never seen so many in one place before. People of all colors, shapes, and sizes, living under one roof.

Everyone eyed me as I stood in line. My ankle was throbbing and my head was pounding, and I almost left the line to go see the doctor. But Jordan held me in line, promising me that the soup would give me my strength back, and that was all I really needed.

At the front of the line I was handed a bowl and a small piece of homemade bread, which I gobbled up before I got to my seat. It was food, after all, and I hadn't eaten anything in a while. I was starving.

 When Jordan finished his bowl, he led me down to the nurse's office. I found it a little funny that they had everything set up like an actual school, but maybe that was just me.

"This is Dr. Holden," Jordan said when we went inside.

"Pleasure," I said, holding out my hand. She took it and shook it firmly.

"It's all mine dear," she said, gesturing for me to sit down. "What seems to be going on?"

I sighed. "I have a massive headache and a sprained ankle. I can hardly walk."

"I see," she said, examining me. She sat in front of me silently, poking my ankle after taking off my shoe and then probing the bruise on my head to make sure everything was okay. Finally, she turned to me and handed me a pill bottle. "Take these for your pain. It should knock out both the headache and the ankle pain but you need to stay off that ankle. I'm ordering you in a wheel chair until your ankle heals," she said, standing and turning towards the supply closet and pulling out a wheelchair.

"But I can't get around back at camp in a wheelchair," I said with exasperation.

She eyed me. "You better try or you'll never get better. Do as I say. I have a medical degree." I sighed, knowing that I had to follow her advice.

She unfolded the wheelchair and I shifted into it. "Thank you, Dr. Holden," I said.

"It's no problem," she said.

Jordan wheeled me back to the room I had been at before. "Why don't you spend the night here and then we'll take you back in the morning," he suggested. I nodded.

"I'm going to get some sleep. Thank you for your hospitality," I said. He gave me a smile.

"You're welcome," he said, leaving and shutting the door behind him.

I crawled into bed and popped a few of the pills Dr. Holden had given me. They must've been strong, because before I knew it, I was sound asleep.

Hey guys! Two updates in one night! Do I smell overactive mind?

I'm curious to know, what do you all think about Olivia, Jordan and Dr. Holden? Do you think they are hiding something? Do you think they are safe? Let me know in the comments!

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