Chapter 26

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I decided to go for a walk and attempt to clear my head. It had definitely not been my best day.

I let my feet take me wherever they felt like it as my mind raced. I thought about my decision and the more I did the more rash and hurried it seemed. Lori's words echoed in my head. If it's not working out, don't try to make it. True love and affection does not have to be forced.

She was right, I knew that much, but had I taken her words how she meant them? Had she meant for me to call the whole thing off? Despite her many flaws, I didn't think that Lori could be so cruel as to purposely try to ruin the relationship.

I kept walking, paying no attention, when I hit something solid, yet strangely squishy. I caught myself and looked up. My eyes widened and I heard the growl before I could turn and run.

The walkers vice-like grip held me tightly as I began to thrash and punch. "Help!" I yelled, hoping to attract the group and praying I wasn't attracting more walkers.

I wanted to shoot myself for not bringing a weapon. I could feel the walkers hot breath on my neck and I elbowed it in the face as best I could with it's arms wrapped around me. It became more angry but released it's grip some trying to grab onto something to bite. I turned, but I tripped on a root sticking out of the ground and twisted my ankle.

The walker advanced and I knew I wouldn't be able to get away fast enough with my ankle the way it was. He was a foot away from me when an arrow sank into his forehead and he fell forward, collapsing upon me. I rolled him off of me with disgust and looked up over to where my savior was standing.

Daryl. I should've known.

He looked angry and I didn't understand that. He didn't have to save me. He acted like I was a burden.

Daryl spat on the walker and then walked away. I managed to stand, although it hurt like a bitch to put pressure on my ankle.

"A little help here?" I yelled to his retreating figure.

"You don't need me, remember?" he shot out venomously.

"That was before I was attacked by a walker in the damned woods!" I said with exasperation.

"What it the difference? You need something from me! I just saved your ass and I haven't even gotten a thank you yet!" he snapped.

"I didn't strike you as someone who cared about manners," I spit.

"I could care less about that! I know how much you rely on me, and honestly, it's nice to have someone to rely on to. But you can't deal with problems, you can't deal with change in any other way than to run away. I grew up with a drunken father, no mother and a brother who was in and out of juvie! I never ran from my problems. I stayed there as my father hit me and put me down," he exploded. My eyes widened and he seemed to notice. "Yes, my father beat me! There were plenty of opportunities to leave, but I didn't. You should learn to do the same."

I stood there, silent, trying to see the emotion behind his stone cold eyes and blank slate of a face. "Thank you," I managed.

His eyes softened and he approached me, grabbing my hand and throwing it over his shoulder in order to help me walk.

We managed to get back to camp and Daryl led me right past the group to Hershel's house. I sighed and stopped, looking up the steps. "You have to try," he said softly. I nodded and took my first step.
The steps were torture but I managed to make them up them. We went inside and found Hershel eating a bowl of soup at his table. He took one look at me, sighed, and then gestured for me to sit while he got his medical supplies from another room.

He came back with the bag. "Ankle?" he asked. I nodded. "Take off your sock and shoe," he instructed.

I obeyed and soon his fingers were probing the flesh of my ankle, making sure it was indeed sprained and not broken. "It's sprained, but it's sprained awefuly bad. You'll need to keep it wrapped up, put ice on it every morning and then again right before you go to bed," he informed me. I nodded, and he began to wrap it. "Stay off it best you can and take these pills to help bring down the pain and swelling."

He handed me a small bottle with little pills in them. "Those will help?" Daryl demanded form behind me. I almost forgot he was there.

"Yes, they will," Hershel said firmly, daring Daryl to challenge his medical skills again. Daryl shrugged it off.

"Thank you, Hershel," I said. He nodded to me.

"May I ask what happened?" he said softly. I nodded.

"I was out walking and I came across a walker," I said. Hershel tried to hide the fear in his eyes but it was still visible. "It grabbed for me and I turned to run and fell."

"Remember what I told you. Have someone run up here for ice everyday and stay off that ankle," he warned. I smiled and gave him a nod, then slowly tried to make my way back to camp. And when I say slowly, I mean slowly.

Daryl led me to my tent, obviously figuring out that I would want to be away from the others. He sat me down on my sleeping bag and then turned for the door.

"We need to talk," I said for what felt like the twentieth time. He nodded and sat down across from me. "You're right. I do run from my problems. And I am going to try to work this out. But first off, we need to establish a few things. Number 1, I am my own person and don't need to agree with everything you say and vice versa. Number 2, we need to keep level heads with all times. Number 3, if one of us is mad about something, we talk it out, no more getting pissed for no apparent reason," I insisted. Daryl nodded in agreement but I could tell by the concentrated look on his face that he wasn't in agreement with something. "And last but not least, number 4. You must kiss me on a daily basis," I teased. He smirked and leaned forward, planting a peck on my lips.

"Nice start," I joked agianst his lips, which were still inches from mine.

Hello readers! I am so happy right now! You guys are the best! Almost 3,000 reads! That's insane!

No question for today, but I would really appreciate it if you checked out my friend @MyaNoelMcIntyre's story called Dark Secrets! She is a really talented writer and is new to wattpad. Check her out!

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