03. Starting a Friendship... Sorta

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Me: Hellow people, how are you all? I wish you are find. I know it took me three weeks to update, but as I mentioned before school have been a living homework hell. Good to know that in one month it is over!

Percy: I know! I'm in need of some vacations.

Annabeth: Yeah, we all need some. *sees everyone staring at her open mouth* Just because I'm a daughter of Athena, it doesn't mean I have to love school.

Me: Percy,stop rubin off on her. Remember to fave. BTW, I own nothing only the plot...

Annabeth: On with the story!

Previously on I Hate You, Means I Love You:

I'm such an idiot! How couldn't I notice earlier. The day keep repeating itself in my brain, the day I found out Will was cheating on me...

I spotted Will in the crowd, I was about to move toward him when I saw his arm around a guy's shoulder, they were smiling and flirting to each other. I felt my blood run cold, and then hot in anger. My boyfriend for a year and a half, was cheating on me.

Before he could say something else, I ran toward the shadows and disappear. I reappear in my cabin at camp half-blood. And started wondering why the Hades I wasn't enough.

In the forest I'm always alone... until tonight. (Nico)

I Hate You, Means I Love You Ch. 3

*Nico's P.O.V*

I walked deeper through the forest to get to the clearing. The clearing is always desert, waiting to be witness of my self-pity. However, tonight I could make out a body sitting in the middle of the clearing and as I got closer I could hear the distinctive noise of sniffs.

I couldn't place a finger to the owner of those sniffs, at least not while her back was facing me (yeah, even I could tell it was a girl). I tried to get closer silently, because I didn't want to disturb her or scare her away, but I step on a branch which made a loud crack, exposing me. Before I could tell what was happening I was pinned to a tree, and the angry, red puffy eyes of a daughter of Zeus were staring back at me.

"What are you doing here, Di Angelo?" She whisper.

"I could ask you the same question" I respond, calmly and confident. Though I was scare as hell deep inside.

"Don't play smart on me" she said annoyed.

"But I'm not" I smirked.

She huffed and let go off me. We stare at each other for a while, she didn't make any effort to move, neither did I. After a while we got to a silent agreement, we were going to share the clearing. We sat down at the middle of it. We were in silence for a while, but thanks to our ADHD we couldn't stay too long.

"Why were you crying, pinecone face?" I ask, I may be concerned about her, or not. But as I said before I care for the hunters, even though I hate most of them.

"None of your business, Death Breath" she snapped.

"Chill, I was trying to be nice" I said. She sneaked a glance at me, then back at the ground.

"Sorry, let's say I had the shittiest day ever" she mumble.

"I feel you"

We stayed in silence again, but this time it wasn't as uncomfortable as the last one. I decided to lay down and watch the stars. Thalia didn't moved from her sitting position. I could still feel the sadness coming from her (no, it's not a hades child power). Suddenly out of nowhere, I had the need to make her feel better. So I tried to start a conversation.

"Do you like Green Days? Because if you don't, we can't be friends" I mentally hit myself. What a lame question, though Green Days is awesome.

"Pff, what kind of question is that? Of course I like Green Days, they're awesome" She replied, her eyes lighting up at the mention of the band. "I mean '21 guns', a masterpiece".

"I know right, it is my favorite song of all times. And I'm from the 70's so that's saying something" I laugh a little.

"Yeah, and what about 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams', it is so catchy, at least for me, and amazing" she screamed. "I could live the rest of my life, only listening Green Days"

"Me too" I joined her. We were both laughing, hard. It felt nice, talking and laughing with Thalia. Maybe we could start a friendship, but who knows. After we shut up, we lay down and look at the stars. The moon was shining brightly. Thalia saw it and her smile disappear, leaving a shallow and sad look on her face.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked. I mean I know girls are bipolar, but I didn't I didn't know they were that bipolar.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" she said, not taking her eyes from the moon.

"Because I can see the tears in your eyes maybe" I told her. "Had problems with Artemis?"

"Maybe, but you must be friend level two to unlock that story"

I placed my hand in my heart and said "Wow, that hurts"

"You little fool" she send me a sad smile. "Anyway, I should get going. It's getting late" I knew that fake smile she gave me, I see it every day since that day. She just wanted to be alone and cry.

"'kay, sweet dreams" I said.

"I wish they were" She mumble, I was sure that I shouldn't have heard it, so I acted like I didn't. I was about to leave when she pinned me again, her eyes hardening.

"If you tell someone, that you saw me crying. I swear to the river Styx that I'll kill you painfully...ok?" I just gulped, and nodded my head. "Good, see ya tomorrow?" she asked.

"Same place, at the same hour" I gave her a little smile and disappear in the shadows.

I reappear in my cabin. It was nice to have a friend (if I can call her that) like Thalia. I smile to myself, but it disappear as soon as I saw a letter from Will in my bed. I didn't even read it before, I threw it in the trash can with the rest of his letters. I quickly change to my pj's, turned off the lights, and lay down on my bed. All good humor I had with Thalia, long forgotten.

Annabeth: You are so mean to Nico..

Percy: I don't like this Will, but I kind of like the idea of pinecone face and death breath together.

Me: Welcome to the ship, my friend. Hope you guys like it, please review, fave, or follow this story; it motivates me to write more. So, yeah. Have a nice week, love you guys. Until we meet again...

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