13. Last Night...?

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Percy: Where is she? She said a new chapter was coming today!

Hazel: Percy, she's coming, dont get so worked up.

Percy:I just need to know what happened that night!

Annabeth you say it like you dont know, we are be- *stares wide eyed at Hazel* forget it.

Me. Hey people! I'm sorry for the delay, but I had to make sure that Jason was tied up and locked in the other room. So who is ready for some THALICO!

Piper: Me, but why did you tied and lock my boyfriend?

Me: Because I had to protect Nico. If Jason reads this, all Hades will break loose. Anyway, I own nothing, except the plot and a character or two! On with the story!

Previously on I Hate You, Means I Love You:

Nico looked a little taken back when my voice joined his, he glanced at me and smile before returning his attention to the road in front of him. I smile slightly before focusing on MCR again.

"Thals, darling, have you ever thought about visiting Las Vegas?"

When we were walking to our room, she called our names and said "Have fun guys, after all what happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas"

He put his arms around me and hug me from behind, both our ribs facing the mirror. We putted on our shirts and head to pay for the art that was now stamped on our skin.

"Oh yeah?" he smirked, he grabbed my hips and brought me closer to him "I don't think so"

That's when something that was NOT supposed to happen, happened.

Nico kissed me... and I immediately kissed him back. (Thalia)

I Hate You, Means I Love You Ch. 13

*Nico's P.O.V*

Fuck. That was the only thing I could think about that morning.

I will never drink again, I swear. Why? Because my head was killing me, and the sun rays that were able to sneak through the window did nothing to help the massive headache that was taking over my head. I felt all gross and tired, but the mere thought of standing up and walking to the bathroom was enough to give me nausea, so I did what any other person would do after a consuming an extraordinary amount of alcohol the night before, I tighten my arms around the pillow, that smelled like pine needles, and tried to return to dreamland.

Keyword: tried, because a loud groan interrupted me and made my headache worsened. "Shut up. I'm trying to sleep" I groaned without opening my eyes.

My headache was probably messing up with me because I could swear my pillow snuggle closer to me... Wait, since when were pillows so warm and smooth? And why the Tartarus did it felt like warm air was caressing my collarbone? This doesn't make sense... It wasn't till I felt hands running through my chest that I opened my eyes. I was looking toward the ceiling, and while holding my breath I slowly lower my gaze to my chest and then to a wide pair of electric-blue eyes that made my heart skip a beat.

Our wide, shocked eyes locked and in a matter of seconds, we detangle or legs (which I had no idea where tangle until that moment) and scramble as far as possible from each other. Which resulted in us finding out about our lack of clothing. At this point I can guarantee you that my headache was long forgotten. And no, we weren't naked, but we weren't dressed either. You see, the only piece of clothing that I had on, were my boxers, and Thalia, well she was covering herself with the sheets, but I think, no I hoped that she had her panties on.

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