10. Talking to Sam

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Me: I did it! I finally finish this chapter! Woohoo!

Percy: Congratulation!

Annabeth: was it that hard?

Me: Annie, my friend it's 2:30am here so yeah, it was.

Annabeth: Whatever, she owns nothing except the plotand a couple of characters. oh, and Grace?

Me: Yeah?


Percy: Okay, okay, relax. Lets read! On with the story!

Previously on I Hate You, Means I Love You:

Let's see what those lovebirds are doing, they have a long way to travel... (Anonymous)

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to D.C, I know someone there" I end up replying.

"I hate you, you know that right?" I said. Gods who knows how I will be able to came out of this trip alive.

"Well, the feeling is mutual so..." she added. I saw her from the corner of my eyes and saw how her shoulders seemed to relax a little.

Thalia and I walked quietly until we were in front of the familiar door of Sam's apartment. I knock on the door and two little kids answer it, and a second later, Sam appear in the door smiling. (Nico)

I Hate You, Means I Love You Ch. 10

*Thalia's P.O.V*

Ok, I will admit it, when Nico said he knew someone from D.C. that could help us, I certainly didn't imagine a woman in, what it looks like, her early thirties, who hugged and smiled warmly at us. And I'm more than sure that I didn't expect two little kids, a seven years old girl and a boy a year or two younger than her, jumping and talking a mile per hour, and let's not forget the questions that came faster than a baseball ball.

The reunion went a little bit like this:

Nico and I walked into the building in silence, I wanted to ask him more about his friend, but part of me didn't want to know, if he wanted to tell me about her he would have done it in the car when I asked. Maybe she was something he liked to keep to himself.

We kept walking until we reached the apartment number 54, Nico knock without hesitation, and a second later the door opened, reveling two little kids who jumped into Nico's arms without double thinking about it. No longer after the kids open the door a woman appeared in the doorway smiling. The kids kept asking questions to Nico nonstop.

"Why did you took so long?" the little girl asked.

"Are you staying tonight?" the little boy asked a second later.

"Will you go to my ballet recital? It's in three weeks"

"Will you play with me tonight? I want to be the hero though"

"Yeah!! Let's play, I will be the princess"

"Nico, Nico, mommy just bought us a new movie, you will you watch it with us?"

"Come on say yes, say yes, say yes!!"

"By the way, who is she?" The boy asked while pointing at me.

"Is she your girlfriend?" She giggled, as soon as the words scape her mouth Nico's cheek turned crimson, I would've laughed at him if my cheeks weren't mirroring his.

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