11. Let's be Tourists

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Me: Hello, it's me, and I'm still alive! So hurray!

Percy: New chapter is here, I repeat new chapter is here! whoooo!

Annabeth: What have you done with my boyfriend?

Me: I swear to the river stix that I didnt do anything to him, and that I own nothing except for the plot!

Percy: Can you two please shut up, I'm trying to read over here.

Annabeth and I: Oooookaaay... on with the story!

Previously on I Hate You, Means I Love You:

Ok, I will admit it, when Nico said he knew someone from D.C. that could help us, I certainly didn't imagine a woman in, what it looks like, her early thirties, who hugged and smiled warmly at us. And I'm more than sure that I didn't expect two little kids, a seven years old girl and a boy a year or two younger than her, jumping and talking a mile per hour, and let's not forget the questions that came faster than a baseball ball.

Maybe I just needed to let everything out, or maybe I just needed someone to hug me this way, but in that moment I knew that I would be fine.

We ate dinner with her husband and the kids. Eating dinner with them felt so natural and nice, like if I was part of the family. (Thalia)

"I can't believe you!! You took one of my best hunters so she can be part of one of your sick romantic couples!! This is not over Aphrodite, NOT. OVER!!" She roared.

"Have fun, trying to stop me" I replied coldly. Thalia and Nico, were advancing fast they are meant to be together. And no one will stop that from happening, I've planned this for years. I just need them to get to Las Vegas to be even closer of my goal. (Aphrodite)

I Hate You, Means I Love You Ch.11

*Nico's P.O.V.*

"Thalia, are you up?" I said while knocking on the door of her hotel room.

A couple of minutes went by, before I heard a groan and Thalia's heavy steps. Many would think that since she was a hunter her steps should be lighter and hard to notice, and they are. Her steps are feather-like 90 percent of the time, the thing is that she hates mornings so she express her feelings by dragging her feet and making as much noise as possible.

"What do you want Di Angelo?" she grunted, before letting me in, and returning to bed. Since she didn't closed the door, I did it, and then I flopped in the bed next to her.

"Wake up" I mutter while shaking her shoulder.

"Noo" she mumble after snuggling further in the sheets.

"C'mon, Thals. Wake up" I insisted. "We should get going" Even as the words fall from my mouth, my body and brain seemed to think the complete opposite. And it looks like Thalia though the same, because she threw her arms around me and snuggle on my side.

"Na uh, let's sleep a little longer" She whispered before placing her head on the crook of my neck. I froze when I felt her breathing on my skin, so faint, so constant, and so... so pleasurable. As if moving on its own, my arms came around her small figure, and brought her even closer. The rapid beating of my heart contrasted her soft and constant heart beats. Even if I tried to, I couldn't deny how right it felt to hold Thalia like this, to have her so close to me. It took a while for my muscles to relax under hers, and for me to fall asleep.

++++++++++++I'm just a line break++++++++++++

I woke up to someone calling my name. "Nico... Nico... Nico..." Thalia called.

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