05. I Guess I'll Have to Find You

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Me: Hey, people! I'm back and with a new chapter. 

Percy: Can I do the disclaimer?

Me: ...sure...

Percy: She does not own anything, except Lily and the plot. Now, let's start the story!!!

Annabeth: Isn't it weird that he is this excited for the story?

Me: Yeah, it is... Anyway, on with the story!

I Hate You, Means I Love You Ch. 5

Previously on I Hate You, Means I Love You:

"Sorry, I said that all the Aphrodite cabin, had a dream were mom said that, the Nico Di Angelo, will fall in love with a girl!! This can be my chance to date him. This is a dream come true" The faraway look in his eyes told me that she was daydreaming, just like every other single girl in camp.

"But, wasn't Nico dating Will?" Lilly asked.

"Why are you so sure that he doesn't need someone to bug him so he can get all out?" Sofi ask, I know she's upset.

"Because I know someone who feels just like he does" I mumble loud enough for them to hear.

"Thalia-" Lilly said, but I was too far to care.

"Me" I mumble as I walk away from the two female figures on the archery field. I can't do this, not anymore. I'm done! I need some time to myself, to heal. To forget. (Thalia)

I Hate You, Means I Love You Ch. 5

*Nico's P.O.V*

"What the hell is wrong with all of you?!?!" I shouted, I know was being a little insensible and rude, but if many girls follow you everywhere, you would do the same. "What the Hades did I do to deserve this?!"

"But, Nico. We just want to be with you" One girl said. "We want to make sure you have everything you need" Another one add. For some odd reason this only made me more irritated and angry by them than before.

"Well I don't need none of you! I'm perfectly fine on my own" I replied. "Now, I'm going to enter my cabin and all of you will leave, and do whatever a girl does!" Once the last word scape from my mouth, I slammed the door shut, took a deep breath, and tried to calm myself.

The girls at camp are crazy, what did I did to deserve this? Maybe Thalia knew what was going on. I mean she's a girl, right? And girls understand each other, right? Ugh, I don't know. I was going to ask Thalia that night, but what I need in that moment was a good and long nap. Yeah, a long nap sounded good.

I walked to my bed and felt on it with a laud plum, and let myself drift to sleep for a while. I don't know how much I slept, but I woke up by a voice, a voice I could recognize anywhere, calling my name.

"Nico, do you have a minute?" He asked.

"No, now go away, I don't want to talk to you" I reply. It's true, I didn't want to talk to him, or anyone, I just wanted to drift again to dreamland and rest.

"Too bad, but you are going to hear me out, and help me" Something in his voice told me that this was serious. I mean he wouldn't IM me for nothing. So with all my will power, I sat down on my bed and face him.

"Okay, Percy. Spit it out" I said, now that I can see him I can recognize the concern in his face, I also notice that he was moving a lot. Something he does when he is nervous, or when he is hiding something.

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