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Me: Hi everyone, long time no see. How have you all been? I hope you've been fine!!! As promised, here is the final Chapter of I Hate You, Means I Love You, enjo-

Percy: WHERE IS SHE?!? 

Me: Crap... well I own nothing except a caracter or two-


Me: *literally so close to shit my pants* ON WITH THE STORY!

Previously on I Hate You, Means I Love You:

We were just friends, friends who made a drunken mistake. A mistake that meant nothing. At least, nothing to him... Maybe I should go back to the Hunters, life was easier that way.

"Would you let me go?" I asked him.

He lifts his hand, and stroke my cheek with his thumb gently. "Sincerely, I wouldn't let them near you" he whispered "and if they got near, I would do whatever it takes to avoid them taking you away from me. I promise"

He close the gap that was between us by capturing my lips with his, and kissing me softly releasing a band of butterflies on my stomach. In his arms, I felt like home, I felt secure and the best part was that I knew that this boy would never dare to hurt me. No one could guarantee that he would keep his word, but I knew.

I just knew. (Thalia)

I Hate You, Means I Love You Ch. 15

*Nico's P.O.V*

"Thalia, stop being so stubborn and give me the map" I said annoyed.

"NO, you focus on driving. I got this" She replied while furrowing her eyebrows and kept fiddling with the map.

How can someone be so annoyingly stubborn yet incredibly cute at the same time? Gods help me. I chuckled to myself while parking the car at the side of the road, and turning my attention solely to the beautiful girl next to me. Thalia she didn't even noticed that we had stopped; she was too preoccupied with her task in finding the right exit.

"Ahaaaa! We need to take exit 179" She said excitedly. "Wait, why isn't the car moving? Nico!"

I couldn't help but laugh, "Sorry Thals, you were taking too long, I had to stopped before we missed the exit"

To my response, she only rolled her eyes. "Hurry up and start driving then, we still have a long way to go"

"Not until you give me a kiss" I cheekily said, and then I leaned closer to her and pouted my lips. She rolled her eyes again and gave me a very quick kiss a couple of seconds later.

"You are so annoying" She replied while trying to hide her smile and directing her attention to the window.

Yeah, she is very very cute indeed.

+++++ Time Laps +++++

"Oh gods, we are finally here" Thalia stated while stretching, "Before going to the camp, let's go get dinner"

"Wouldn't it be better to have dinner at camp, though?" I wondered.

Thalia only shook her head "We won't make it to dinner, let's just find a McDonald's or something, I'm starving"

As if on cue, both, her and my stomachs growled. We looked at each other and busted out laughing, "Let's go get a happy meal then"

"What? Nooo, why would we get happy meals, their rations are too small!" She complained.

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