07. McDonalds and a Little Twist

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Me: Hullo people! I'mm Back! well first of all I want to say sorry.

Percy: Of course you should! You left us hangig for two and a half MONTHS!

Piper:*Crosses arms over her chests* You better have a good reason

Me: And I do, well you see, I had this really severe authors block and two weeks ago (The day I was programed to write this) my grandpa passed away. 

Annabeth: I'm so sorry for your loss. You see Percy I told you she had a good reason!

Percy: *rubbing his neck sheepishly and blushing* I'm sorry.

Me: It's ok, I dont blame you guy. So anyway, I own nothing exept a caracter or two and the plot. Now on with the story.

Previously on I hate you means I love you:

When we pulled apart she turned to walk toward her tree, and before she turned into the tree she smiled sadly and waved. I waved back and start walking toward the clearing. (Thalia)

A letter, there was a letter in the middle of the clearing. There was also some burnt logs, and the air felt differently, static maybe. It was obvious that some certain daughter of Zeus camp here. I walked closer to the middle of the clearing, I wonder who this letter is for. It wasn't until I picked it up that I knew, because in Thalia's handwriting was a name.


In other words, mine. (Nico)

I Hate You, Means I Love You Ch. 7

*Thalia's P.O.V*

I was up and walking out of the camp borders before the first ray of sunlight touch the dark blue/purple-ish sky. I walk next to my tree and stop abruptly, I'll definitely going to miss it, and after all it was my home for six years. "I'm sorry. Good Bye" whisper before I turned around and walked down the hill. There's no turning back now, I must keep walking forward.

I walked toward Coogan Blvd, I know there are a lot of dinners in the area, and I'm in need of a breakfast. When I reached the intersection, I turned left. I walked a mile or so before I found a McDonald, well at least I will have a decent breakfast.

Once I ordered and picked up my breakfast I move further inside and sat near the window. I was halfway in my breakfast when someone called my name.

"Thalia?" the voice said. "Is that you?" I looked up to find myself face to face with an old friend.

"Allison, hey! How are you? Long time no see" I told her. I met Allison in the hunt, she quitted last year because she felt in love with a guy named Mark. She has mid-back light brown hair, brown eyes, and freckles that cover her face. She was wearing a graphic tee, a black cardigan, and blue worn-out shorts

"Indeed, a long time. Is the chair taken?" She asked.

"No, go ahead sit down" I said, Allison was one my closest friend in the hunt. And though I was the first to find out about Mark, I never judge her, I didn't even got mad like she thought I would get.

I notice that she was a little uneasy. "Are the hunters near?" she asked, of course she was nervous. The hunters didn't took her quitting lightly, they called her horrible names and kicked her out of the camp.

"No" I said, and before she could asked the obvious question, I add "They kicked me out"

"What? B-but why?" she was speechless, her mouth kept opening and closing like a fish out of the water. And it was like I could see the grains in her brain moving.

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