12. MCR and Alcohol

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Frank: Ok I've waited two or three month for this so... She owns nothing, except the plot and a couple of characters

Hazel: Lets read!

Previously on I Hate You, Means I Love You:

Even as the words fall from my mouth, my body and brain seemed to think the complete opposite. And it looks like Thalia though the same, because she threw her arms around me and snuggle on my side.

I froze when I felt her breathing on my skin, so faint, so constant, and so... so pleasurable. As if moving on its own, my arms came around her small figure, and brought her even closer. I couldn't deny how right it felt to hold Thalia like this, to have her so close to me.

By the time we were ready to head back to the hotel, the sky had turn into a soft purple-ish orange. The sunset. I took a picture of Thalia without her noticing, in the picture she had a content smile, and she was staring at the distance, the sunset made her skin glow.

I placed my arm around her shoulders and brought her even closer to me, I smiled slightly to the camera before taking the picture and freezing this moment forever. (Nico)

I Hate You, Means I Love You Ch. 12

*Thalia's P.O.V*

Sing it out
Boy, you've got to see what tomorrow brings
Sing it out
Girl, you've got to be what tomorrow needs...

"Ooooh, I love that song!" Nico stated while turning the volume higher and rolling down the windows.

"What are you doing?"

"Sing it for the boys
Sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it till you're nuts
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
" He sang along at the top of his lungs.

"Nico!!" I hissed, "The people in the neighbor's car are staring" I tried to hide my face from the people, this is so embarrassing what got into him?

"Then let them stare, I don't care" He shout. I sent him a murderous glare, to which he only laugh and said "Why am I embarrassing you?"

"Yes, now shut up" I snapped.

He took a quick glance at me before cranking the volume higher.

"Sing it out, boy they're gonna sell what tomorrow means
Sing it out, girl before they kill what tomorrow brings
You've got to make a choice
If the music drowns you out
And raise your voice
Every single time they try and shut your mouth
" He sang the last two verses even louder. What an asshole. "Oh, c'mon Thals, sing along with me" He laughed.

"I'm so not doing that" I barked, "Besides, it's childish and stupid" I added while crossing my arms.

"Nah" he responded while shaking his head "it's fun. So could you please stop acting like an old lady and live a little?"

"It's just singing in a car, where is the fun in that?"

"Why don't you try it? And don't you dare say that you don't know the lyrics" He added quickly before I could reply. I pondered the idea for a little while, it did sound fun, and I love that song. I took a quick glance at Nico, who was still singing, he looked so relaxed. So, why not?

"Cleaned-up corporation progress
Dying in the process
Children that can talk about it,
Living on the web ways
People moving sideways
Sell it till your last days
Buy yourself a motivation
Generation Nothing,
Nothing but a dead scene
Product of a white dream
I am not the singer that you wanted
But a dancer
I refuse to answer
Talk about the past, sir
Wrote it for the ones who want to get away

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