Don't Let Go

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Zayn couldn’t quite put a finger to it, whatever it was that made Perrie so special. She could light up a room by just entering it, and no matter how crowded that room was; all of his attention would always be drowned to her.

He would never admit it, but she caught his attention ever since he first saw her on telly. But he kept it quiet, even though he knew he could meet her if he asked to. But what would he say? What would he do if the opportunity was presented? Zayn was a player, up to his day no girl ever had resisted to his charm, no matter how old or how mature they pretended to be. What he wanted, he got it. But just as he knew that about himself, he also knew he had destroyed all of those girls he’d played.

And he just couldn’t do that to Perrie. She was so bright, so pure; he would rather just keep watching her being her bubbly self by her own than having her and breaking that lovely girl.

She was just a crush, and he wanted to keep it that way. But destiny had other plans, they had to meet eventually, and he knew he just would not resist the temptation to go talk to her. And he didn’t; just like on telly, the minute she walked into the set for their charity single, the room lit up.

The Little Mix girls walked straight to them the minute they got in, they all had met Jade Thrilwall the previous year when she auditioned for the X-Factor too, and she even was really good mates with Liam as they had met back in 2008. Soon enough, she introduced her band mates to the rest of the boys.

Perrie was even more mesmerizing than Zayn had ever imagined, she met him with a huge grin and muttered something about how her little sister had a gigantic poster of him hanging in her room, but Zayn wasn’t paying attention, he was lost in those giant blue eyes, the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen.

“Can I take a picture with you?” She asked, snapping Zayn out of his thoughts.

“Of course” he replied. “Hopefully it’s the first of many pics together”.

Zayn mentally slapped himself, that was a very dumb thing for him to say, he thought. But Perrie apparently found it hilarious, as her laugh soon filled the entire room.

“Hopefully” she grinned. “Wait till I show my sister this”.

“Wait till you tell her you’re now friends with me”

Great Zayn, great. Just keep making a fool of yourself he thought. But for some reason, Perrie just found any dumb line he said to be amusing and she kept laughing uncontrollably.

“She’ll die! It was so nice to meet you Zayn” She grinned again, her smile was the biggest and most beautiful one he’d ever seen. He was completely captivated by her, and it had only been minutes since he’d met her. The more he got to know her, the more he knew he would never forgive himself if he ever hurt such a beautiful creature.

She kept going to every member of One Direction asking for a picture. “She’s so cute” Zayn thought to himself. “My sister’s going to freak out! She’s a massive fan of yours. Can’t wait to call her and brag about my new best friend” Perrie said turning back to Zayn, the huge grin still plastered in her face. Zayn smiled back, and could just not fight back the urge to reply something to her.

“Oh, aren’t you a fan of us?” Great Zayn, keep up with the stupid lines. Think before you speak man.

Perrie’s laugh instantly filled the room. It was clear to him now, she was laughing at his expense.

“Of course, who isn’t?” she replied giggling. “Are you a fan of Little Mix? Now that’s a question”

“Who isn’t?” he responded. You should get some kind of award for saying so much stupid things in a row. As if it was on cue, Perrie burst into laugh once more; usually Zayn would feel somewhat offended, after all, the girl was clearly laughing at him, but this time he would not care to make a fool of himself just to keep hearing that laugh.

“Really, I’m voting for you guys. And my little sister is a massive fan. Which reminds me, can we take a picture? She’ll die when she sees you’re now my friend”

Perrie’s mouth formed the shape of an ‘o’. “You’re making fun of me!” she said, trying to sound offended.

“I’m not, I swear!” Zayn chuckled. “I am really voting for you guys, and you in particular are my favorite member” he said with a little wink that instantly made Perrie blush.

The more he talked to her, the more he liked her. He’d never met someone so bright in his life, and the girl was not afraid to make a fool of herself. To his eyes, she was perfect; and he knew what he thought would be just a crush would soon grow to be something more. She was special, and he would try the hardest to let her know that.


“Great Perrie, keep laughing like an idiot” the girl thought to herself. She got star struck very often, but never to this point. She liked One Direction like every other girl her, she was happy she got the chance to meet them, even more that she was making a song with them. And she knew the boys were disgustingly good looking, but she never expected them to be even more disgustingly good looking in person, especially Zayn. Zayn Malik, she was not joking when she said her little sister was infatuated with him, but now Perrie was thinking she was the one with the massive crush. He was so handsome; she felt instantly a huge physical attraction to him the minute she saw him.

And he even said he was rooting for her band to win the competition, on top of being gorgeous, he was also nice. She kept giggling at every little thing he said and oddly enough, he seemed to be enjoying that. They were supposed to mingle with all the guys shooting the video, JLS was there too and she was a massive fan of them as well, not to mention the other members of One Direction, but for some reason, Perrie always found her way back to Zayn.

“Oooh, someone has a little crush on Zaynie” her band mates teased her every time they got the time. “Shut up, I’m just bonding with him, making some new friends” she would reply to them, but deep down she knew they were right.

And what if she had a crush on him? It would lead nowhere; he could have any girl he wanted, anyone a million times better than her. And she had a boyfriend, maybe things weren’t right between them at the moment, but he was her boyfriend after all and she loved him. Or at least she thought she did.

But Zayn was so charming she couldn’t stop talking to him, and as soon as he asked for her number, she gave it to him without even thinking it twice. 

AN: Ta da! I wrote this once when I was waiting at the hair salon, I don't know why... this was supposed to be the first chap of a story (that's why I mention Perrie's soon to be ex-boyfriend buahahaha and gave lots of details that seem irrelevant) but I kinda lost interest in writing it. If you guys would be interest in reading a follow up to this, just ask and I'll make my best. You probably don't care, but I'm dating someone and that's giving me a lot of love and fluffy inspiration :) so yeah, request, comment, give suggestions... but PLEASE leave a message, anything! It'd mean the world to me

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