Our Mutual Friend

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This chapter contains spoilers from the book "Our Mutual Friend" by Charles Dickens, don't ask, so if by any chance you are reading it I marked them with an *. Enjoy

A party. Perrie Louise Edwards was going to a party, and without him. Well, if his calculations were correct, she probably already went and came back. Damn the time difference and damn his love for sleep.

He called her, though. Not caring if she was probably tired or asleep, just to check if she was alright or if everything went great. Because he knew what happened at parties, hook ups. He trusted her, of course, and probably everyone in said party knew she was taken, be he couldn’t help but feel uneasy at the thought of guys looking at Perrie, his girlfriend, and wanting to be with her. He was sure that would never happen, because he was sure of her love for him. But bad things could happen, people got drunk at parties, maybe someone was rude to her, he needed to know everything was alright.

So he dialed her number, he knew it by heart, and waited for the response that never came, so he did what at the time he thought was a good idea: Google her. Just to see if she had made it home safe, of course.  And there they were, exactly what he was looking for, paparazzi photos of her last night.

She looked gorgeous as usual, a little pissed but Zayn assumed it was probably the paparazzi bugging her; he noticed none of her bandmates were there, strangely because at first he thought they were the ones that talked her into it, given that parties weren’t really her thing. But an awful amount of lads were there, much to his dismay.

He quickly realized basically all the acts that kept playing along Little Mix in all the festivals and other gigs were there, they were like some sort of group of friends, so mainly that’s were all the guys came from. He let out a sigh of relief because all of them knew she was his girlfriend, a few of them actually knew them and they would never try anything with her.

He was glad Perrie had her friends, it was healthy that they were able to have their separate lives, but Zayn sometimes felt bad because he wanted to be there all the time. They were supposed to go to those parties together, to go to dates, to share all the moments possible. Just like any other young couple, but he was there, stuck god knows where, as he lost track of the cities he visited a long time ago.

The fact that Eleanor was free from university and was able to go visit Louis didn't help Zayn at all, watching them parade their love all around. He wished so bad Perrie was next to him. But he had his tour and Little Mix were recording their new album and they wouldn't be able to see each other for another month.

‘Time flies’ he thought to himself before going to see which one of his bandmates was up for a game of FIFA.

The party didn't go as bad as Perrie expected; she had a great time actually. That was until the point everyone had someone to hook up with and she stood there awkwardly, wishing more than ever for Zayn to be by her side.

"Why you so lonely?" she heard someone talk to her, and Perrie turned around to see Joel Peat, from Lawson, sitting next to her.

"Well, as pathetic as it sounds I came here alone" she responded, sipping from her grape juice, which was bought especially for her because Josh knew she didn't drink.

"I actually thought your bandmates would come with you" he said offering her a smile. Little Mix and Lawson were good friends, they always had a friendly banter and loved to play pranks on each other. Perrie knew Joel was aching to get Leigh-Anne back from the last stunt she pulled on him and chuckled because he probably just approached her to get Leigh’s location.

"Well, this has been our first free night in weeks and they used it to be with their boyfriends. But Zayn is too far away and our break isn't long enough for me to go visit, not to mention he's busy"

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