A few events down the road

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Perrie will always remember that night, the night Zayn had asked her to be his girlfriend. Sometimes, because her life moved so fast, her memories would come as a blur. She was always going places, rehearsing, recording. After winning X Factor it all came too quickly, but she always had that night to cherish. When things were easier, when she would call Zayn over the most stupid thing and he'd be there in a heartbeat, but those times were long gone.

If time was moving too fast for her, she could only imagine how it felt for Zayn. One Direction only got bigger and bigger, and Perrie would find herself worrying about Zayn being overworked.

She found herself lonely, too. Being the lovesick teenager she is (although she's not technically a teenager anymore, she just turned 20, and Zayn missed it), she didn't even hesitate when taking her boyfriend's offer to move in with him. So she spent most of her time off alone with her pets, because her bandmates were too busy making up for the lost time with her loved ones, and her family and other friends had lives of their own.

Sometimes Zayn would surprise her, he really wasn't joking when he said he'd take 20 planes just to see her. But his tour kept going further around the globe and it became harder for both of them to travel around to see each other. Little Mix was more successful than she ever dreamed of, which meant they were busier than she ever expected, so it wasn't like she could take a flight to go see him either.

And once again, being the lovesick teenager she was, she didn't take the separation too well. She started smoking, the same packages as Zayn, because it released her stress, but mostly because it made the house smell of him.

Zayn was very concerned when he learned this, he was fully aware about the consequences of smoking, although he chose to ignore them. But now that Perrie was involved, he finally understood what everyone was going about when they begged him to stop. So they promised each other to quit the habit, neither of them keeping the promise though.

Calls, texts and video chats helped them get through it too. But time difference didn't do them any favours at times.

And don't get Perrie wrong, she wasn't a needy little girl that wanted Zayn by her side 24/7 otherwise she couldn't live, no. She had her work, her family, her friends and all kinds of things to keep her mind somewhere else, even though he was always in the back of her mind, but it was that on those rare nights where she had absolutely nothing to do, loneliness would hit her hard, and she'll try to reach him, and him being Zayn would be asleep, or not paying attention to his phone; or being the Zayn Malik, he'd be too busy to attend her.

And so will her other significant others, because, as stated before, they have lives too.

Zayn would feel the same way from time to time, on the rare occasions where he couldn't sleep, the road would get awfully lonely, and maybe Perrie was the one sleeping or busy, or his family and friends were occupied with their personal lives, and if he ran out of options to feel less lonely, to feel better, he'll just end up watching videos of her on YouTube, because Little Mix loved to get silly, and he loved watching Perrie being happy, and he felt closer to her and it'll bring a smile to his face.

But Perrie couldn't do that, it only made her miss him more. Funny, because she couldn't escape the sight of him, he and his bandmates were basically everywhere and on those horrible lonely nights, it made her want to scream.

And sadly for Perrie, tonight was one of those nights, and she could have sworn the universe was against her that night, because not only was Zayn in every TV channel or news article, but she was too. Because Zayn had given an interview where he stated how difficult it was to make the long distance thing work ('tell me about it' she thought to herself) and then the interviewer had pointed out how he could get it if he wanted, every time he needed it, so there was no need to go through all that trouble; to which Zayn responded, gladly for Perrie's sake, that he got everything he ever asked for in her and she was definitely worth the "trouble".

She kinda felt better, relieved Zayn had actually stood up for her. But he stupid interviewer voice saying 'you gotta live while you're young' like it was the wittiest thing in the world kept playing in her head.

"Watched your new interview, that man was a twat, absolutely hate him. But I loved your response, and I love you even more". She quickly typed, though she new she wouldn't get a reply because he was already sleeping. With her phone now in hand, she decided to check her notifications, and she noticed she had a text, an invitation to a "get-together" as her friend Josh Cuthbert from Union J had put it, that was happening tonight.

She new it was just out of courtesy, because she never attended those things. Unlike Leigh-Anne and Jade, she wasn't really the party type, but that irritating voice saying 'you gotta live while you're young' played once again, this time with a different connotation. There she was, a 20 year old girl spending her free night cuddling with her old cat and her dog, reminiscing old memories and eating ice cream directly out of the tube because she had no one to keep her company and was missing someone badly, pathetic.

'Why not? Better than drowning in self-pity' she thought to herself before picking her phone once more.

'And I'm informing you I'm going to Josh Cuthbert's party. I know, not my thing, but I'm about to kill myself out of boredom and I'm getting new hairstyles ideas xD love you to the moon and back <3' she typed again, laughing as she remembered Zayn making her promise she wouldn't change her hair that often because he felt like he hadn't seen her twice with the same hairstyle that year. She quickly got up to get dressed, not waiting for his text back because there wasn't going to be one soon, and because she simply didn't care. She was determined to go to that party.

Hello guys. Last chapter got published unedited because I managed to hit the wrong button on my phone, but it got a great response to it so I left it like that haha. I planned on making that the last chapter because I got bored with the fic, all the time being sick made me realize how crappy the storyline I had planned was. But, I couldn't just leave it like that so I decided to combine this with another idea I had.. so we skipped a few moments down the road and now we're placing ourselves in this year. The engagement hasn't happened btw. And all of this is possible because this is fiction and I can do what I please haha.

This chapter goes to my lovely friend zerrie1D14, thanks for the support! Check her stories too, if you have the time.

Comment if you liked this or you prefer I delete it and end it on the last chapter please! And what do you think will happen at that party?

Thank you for reading, love you all xx

Don't Let Goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें