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"Miss Edwards, please take a seat" she heard the bosses say as soon as she entered the office. Perrie took a deep breath before sitting, she had never been more nervous in her entire life and she had got in trouble multiple times during her school years. But she didn't care about school, she always knew she wanted to be a singer, and she did care about this, a lot. Maybe that's what all the nervousness was about.

She started biting her lower lip furiously, a bad habit she'd picked somewhere along the way and a thing that drove her mother crazy. Her mother, she'll be so disappointed. After her father left, all her mom did was teach her not to give up on her dreams for a man; not that she regretted her life choices, she always told her, after all if it wasn't for it, she wouldn't have her wonderful children, but she knew life would've been a lot easier if she'd had better judgment.

And now Perrie was here, about to get kicked out of a competition she worked so hard to get on and leave the only chance she had to make it quickly into the music business.

"I'm pretty sure you're aware your being the topic of discussion at the time on multiple gossip sites" one of the men sitting in the office said and Perrie just nodded with her head down, unable to face the people around her. "We think your relationship with Mr. Malik gave you some more exposure to the public eye"

Perrie wished for this moment to be over already, for them to just say she was disqualified so she could leave and cry her eyes out like she wanted so badly.

"And we're afraid that gives you and the rest of the Little Mix girls an unfair advantage over the rest of the contestants. Being the girlfriend of one of the hottest pop star of the country sure gains you more fans and voters" Now it was a woman speaking, and Perrie couldn't help the bitter laugh that left her mouth at that comment. If only they could see the twitter comments about her, if anything, her little date with Zayn only gained her haters. The woman raised an eyebrow at Perrie's reaction.

"I'm not actually dating Zayn" Perrie told them, it was irrelevant to her cause at the moment, but she felt like clarifying it.

"It still doesn't change the fact that there are pictures of you two kissing all over the internet" the woman replied coldly and Perrie started biting her lip even more aggressively, she could feel blood coming out now. "He did ask for a meeting with us earlier today and explained how he was the one pursuing a relationship with you Miss, and that you told him several time how you wanted to focus entirely on the competition, so we don't think you were did this on purpose to get an edge" another woman spoke, this one with a much nicer tone.

Perrie tried her best to hide her smile, Zayn did care for her; at least enough to try to convince the X-Factor executives not to kick her out.

"You still got it though" the bitter woman spoke again. Perrie prayed for this to be over soon or she'd slap that woman, after all, she had nothing to lose.

"But you have to be grateful the producers feel there's a huge gap on the market for a group like yours. And let's be honest, the point of these show is to find the next money machine, so you're not getting booted from the show"

"I'm not?" Perrie quickly questioned, a huge weight being lifted from her shoulders.

"No, you're not. That being said, we don't want to see any more stories involving yourself and Mr. Malik. You can do whatever you please with your personal life as we don't own you, so you can continue your relationship with Malik through texts or calls and whatnot. Just keep in mind you're not to be seen with him, not even backstage on the show, maintain your distance" one of the men said.

"Consider it done" Perrie said quickly, resisting the urge of giving all the people in the room a hug. They soon told Perrie she could leave the room, not before going through the terms of her stay once again and making sure the blonde really understood.

Don't Let GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora