Working on it

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New chapter, yay!

Zayn had took Perrie to his house, at first Perrie was hesitant, but he made an excellent point.

“We’re not supposed to be seen together, and I can’t think of a more private place” he had said, and the blonde couldn’t help but agree.

“Laugh if you want but it’s the first time ever I’ve been totally alone with a guy that isn’t related to me” Perrie told him, trying to justify the fact she was so nervous around him. If she was honest with herself, she was that nervous because after the incident with the girls, and how supportive Zayn had been, she realized she really liked him, really really liked him.

They ended up watching a movie, a superhero one because basically that was Zayn’s entire movie collection and eating tons of junk food.

Zayn couldn’t believe how adorable he found Perrie, even when she was stuffing her face with chips and stopped paying attention to the movie right after the titles started. Perrie was much more interesting to him.

“Are you aware I’m only watching this because of you, right? If you’re not going to watch it then can I put something else?” the petite blonde said at a point, making Zayn blush with embarrassment.

“Feel free to change it then” he replied and Perrie instantly got up to see if she could find something of her liking. “Or we could use this time to just talk, get to know each other better?”

“I like that idea better” Perrie said with a shy smile, quickly running to sit on the couch again.

“You start” the boy told her, and Perrie started blabbering about her entire life.

“You really can’t smell!” Zayn exclaimed after making Perrie smell various perfumes to see if she could identify them.

“Why would I lie about that?” she replied, rolling her eyes. “How many perfumes do you own?” the blonde asked after seeing she had smelled almost 10 different pieces of paper with perfume sprayed on them.

“It’s not that I can’t afford them” Zayn stated playfully.

“Well, excuse me!” Perrie exclaimed giggling and Zayn burst into laugh.

“It was actually the same one over and over again. I tried to trick you” he explained after calming down. The girl playfully hit him and asked once again what made him think she would lie about that.

“Well, you could’ve made stuff up to sound more interesting. Lots of artists have done that” he said shrugging. He did have a point, Perrie thought; and that only put doubts in her mind.

“Have you done that?” she asked, her smiling expression falling.

Zayn hated to admit it, but he had. They were young and naïve and their management tried to impose a certain image to them, to sell more. So he was known as the Bradford Bad Boi, a term he found ridiculously amusing, but he had to stick to it for the sake of his career. Perrie nodded in understanding after he explained, and wondered if they’d try to make the same with her band.

“I guess because I was more reserved and seemed mysterious they tried to give me the bad boy label. So don’t believe everything you read on the papers about me”

“It’s funny because I knew you from all the tabloid articles. And I was thinking some time ago how much nicer you were opposed to how the press made you out to be. All of you boys if I’m being honest”

“And you’re much more incredible than how you seemed on tv, which I think it was impossible” Zayn said making Perrie blush.

“Stopped being so cheesy” she said, trying hard to hide her smile but she couldn’t hide the fact that Zayn made her feel things she’s never experimented. Yes, she has had a boyfriend before, and she felt good around him back in the day, but she had never felt so at ease around someone like she felt around Zayn. They had been staring at each other for quite so time now, and Perrie decided to give in to her feelings and said the thing that had been lingering in her mind.

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