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“Naughty Perrie is trending on Twitter” Louis chuckled, almost to himself, but loud enough for Zayn to hear. The boys were hanging out together, just playing video games and being lazy. No phones, no social media; that was the rule, but of course rules were made to break, at least according to Louis.

“Come again?” Zayn said as he stood up from his spot, getting closer to Louis. The older boy tried his best to hide his phone but he had no luck.

“I won’t be mad at you for using your phone but please repeat what you said”

“Naughty Perrie is trending on Twitter” Louis barely whispered and you could see in his face he was trying his best not to make a joke about it. “Care to explain?”

“This isn’t funny” Zayn scolded him, snatching his phone to investigate.

“At least I hope it involves you, wouldn’t it be awkward if it didn’t.”

“Why do you have to be so dirty minded and instantly assume it’s something sexual?”

“Your words” Louis said, trying to see what Zayn was doing on his phone. “So? Does it involve you?”

 “It is actually my fault” he said with a blank look, handing his friend his phone back, with The Sun article in it. “I dragged her there and I was the one who couldn’t keep his hands to himself so she yelled at me and everyone noticed we were in the damn closet”

“So it’s true! Naughty Zayn!” Louis yelled and Zayn just rolled his eyes.

“We were just making out, don’t be stupid. I have to go and see her, where’s my fucking phone?”

“Calm down bro, she’s probably busy with her band, they just won”

“You don’t understand, you haven’t seen how she gets with the hate. She nearly quit X Factor because of it and… just look at the comments people are doing about her. And I’m involved too and you can’t find a negative comment about me, how’s that fair. This is supposed to be her moment and it was eclipsed by some made up bullshit.”

“No, I do. It gets tough with El too; we can hang out another time.”

Zayn called Perrie a thousand times but she wasn’t answering her phone, which got the boy worriedly sick. A few moments later, he finally received a text from her saying she was busy with interviews and that’s why she didn’t answer. The text was loving and happy enough, which calmed Zayn down a little, but he still felt something was wrong. Around 10 pm he felt his phone buzzing and he looked up to see an incoming call from Perrie.

“Zaynie! How are you?” Perrie happily said in the other line, too happily in Zayn’s humble opinion.

“How are you? I’m so sorry about that article, it’s my entire fault” he answered. Perrie just laughed.

“Don’t worry silly. Tabloids have to get their money from somewhere”

“So you’re ok with it?”

“Of course not, but I think I have to learn not to get that stuff to me. I know we did nothing more than kissing, you know it too, the people I care about know it wasn’t like that so why do I care what the rest of the world think about it? And I’m positive no one believed it because not even one person asked me about it today and I did tons of interviews.”

“I’m so happy you have this positive view, when Louis told me what was trending on twitter and I saw all the comments I thought you were going to take it badly, even I did-“

“Well, I’ve been busy all day so I didn’t check twitter” she interrupted him and he mentally kicked himself for bringing it up, she was totally going to do it now.

“Pez, please don’t… Perrie?” he asked when he heard a soft yelp on the other line.

“Don’t your fans know another insult, all they do is call me a slut” she said trying to shrug it all off.

“You should see my mentions, they’re basically the same nonsense sentences. Sometimes when they’re feeling strong emotions they lack creativity.” He chuckled. “But don’t pay attention to the haters, you know you’re beautiful.”

“They also love saying I’m only dating you to get my, and I quote, ‘sorry excuse of a band’ famous. You know that’s false, right?”

“Of course I do babe, I really feel like seeing you. Do you mind if I come over?” he asked unsure, but was happy when the blonde answered positively.

“I miss you too. I have this hotel room all by myself because we had to leave the x factor house and I kinda feel lonely.”

“Text me the address and I’ll be there asap”

Even though she tried to pass it off, Zayn knew Perrie was truly affected by the comments on twitter. He had spent a good amount of time reading them earlier today and even he felt offended by some of them. He quickly hired a cab and in just a matter of minutes he found himself in front of the door of her hotel room. He had been careful not to be seen or recognized when he entered the hotel as he did not want to add more fuel to the rumors and hate.

Almost immediately, Perrie opened the door and Zayn’s heart sunk, it was clear she’d been crying. She gestured for him to come inside and quickly shut the door. The room was pretty big, by now Zayn was used to hotel rooms, but to Perrie it felt cold and impersonal, she was very glad he was there to keep her company. She noticed he kept staring at her and soon realized it was probably because her eyes were most likely all red and puffy.

“Don’t say a thing” the blonde said when she realized Zayn was about to speak. She took a seat in the big couch in the middle of the room and gestured for him to sit next to her.

“Then what do you want me to do?” he asked while sitting where he was told. Perrie just gave him a weak smile and crashed her lips into his. Zayn quickly kissed back, and he could feel the need in Perrie’s kiss, almost desperation.

“Are you really ok Perrie?” he asked, pulling back from the kiss.

“Why do you like me?” she simply asked and he could see tears already forming in her eyes.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Zayn chuckled and grabbed Perrie’s hands, looking straight into her eyes. “You’re the most talented, funny and beautiful girl I’ve ever met. You have the most amazing eyes, I could get lost in them forever. You’re not afraid to be yourself, always bright and bubbly, not taking yourself too seriously. I love your goat impression, how you can get a little competitive, how loud you are, how innocent and naïve you can be, I love when you’re sarcastic too and how you keep doing funny voices and accents. I love how you light up every room you walk into, you’re like my little sunshine. And I also love how you can be so silly but at the same time be so passionate about things you love. I… I think I truly love you Perrie, so please, please, would you be my girlfriend?”

“No” Perrie barely whispered and Zayn felt his world shatter into a million little pieces. “No, no, no. Of course I will!” she quickly added after seeing his face. “That was just me thinking about something else”

Zayn sighed as he felt life come back to him again. “Don’t ever do that again! You nearly killed me!” he said, quickly wrapping her into a big hug. “What were you thinking about?”

“Let’s not ruin the moment thinking about sad stuff” she said, quickly pecking him on the lips. “Do you wanna stay the night, boyfriend? But don’t get any funny ideas, I just wanna cuddle”

“Anything you want, girlfriend” he replied, kissing her once again. This time the kiss lasted longer, she wrapped her hands into his neck, pulling him closer. His fingers played with her hair as he deepened the kiss and they continued like this until they both needed air.

“Zayn?” she panted, looking straight into his eyes. “I think I truly love you too.”

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