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Hiii!! I just decided to go with the original story as I found out I had some chapters saved. This is short, I know but thank you for anyone that read and voted you have no idea of how much it means to me. Please leave a comment saying if you want me to continue or if you hated it, jut anything :) now enjoy!

“I got her number!” Zayn said to himself over and over again. What was it about that girl that made him act like a child and not his usual, cool self, he didn’t know; but he knew he liked the feeling, and although he tried his best not to seem so desperate, he found himself texting her just about a few hours after their meeting.

He was not doing things like he used to with other girls, every time he tried to be cheeky and charming, he ended up sounding really dorky. The weird thing was, it seemed to be working; she really liked the fact he made her laugh (a lot) and she also like when he opened up to her, when he showed his real self.

Just a few days and Zayn and Perrie already felt like really good friends, but Zayn wanted more and he couldn’t wait to see her again so he could make his next move. But just when he thought things were going perfectly, his new blonde friend started to act distant towards him.

“Was it something I said?” he asked his band mates for the thousandth time.

“NO!” they yelled in unison.

“We’ve been through this, we’ve read all your messages, all of them, and it was not anything you said. Stop it already” Harry told him, the only one with enough patience not to yell at him to shut up.

“Maybe she’s feeling all hormonal and shit” Niall piped in, now he was the one being yelled at by his band mates.

“Why don’t you stop moping around and go see what’s wrong with her. Had it ever occurred to you to just ask what happened?” Liam offered to his best friend.

“Well, no” Zayn replied, shocked that such a simple solution hadn’t come to his mind and he wasted a whole afternoon whining to his mates instead of going and fix the problem himself.

“And then you ask yourself why you’re single” Louis finally said, earning a death glare from his raven haired friend.

“Woooooooo Perrie!!!!” Leigh yelled at the blonde that was sleeping in her bed. “Wake up!!! Guess who came to visit?”

“Is it me mam?” Perrie mumbled half asleep.

“No” the other girl replied in a funny accent.

“Then I don’t care” the blonde one said turning away from her friend.

“It’s Zayn” Jade yelled from the distance.

“And we’re letting him come inside whether you wake up or not” Jesy said in a sing song tone. Perrie sat right up and all her band mates laughed at her, she quickly got down from her bunk bed and made a straight line to the bathroom, it was one of their few free days and she decided to spend most of it sleeping, hence the reason she looked like a mess.

“You have five minutes till we let him in!” Jesy yelled again, laughing. Perrie did her best to make herself look presentable and got out to her and the girls’ room.

“Hi” he heard a man’s voice say as soon as she entered the place. She quietly waved at him, saying hi back. She wasn’t her usual cheerful self, and that pained Zayn. Now it really hit him, there was definitely something wrong with her.  Maybe it was something show related; maybe she was feeling really homesick? And there he was, thinking the cause of her problems was him, he really was full of himself, wasn’t him?

“Can I ask you what’s wrong?” he spoke up, approaching the blonde that was now quietly sitting in a corner. The girl offered him a shy smile before saying ‘it’s nothing’ and shrugging off the subject.

“If there’s anything I could do to make you feel better… I really miss that bright smile of yours”

Perrie chuckled as she rolled her eyes. But then realization hit her face and Zayn could tell she was having a hard time trying to formulate her next sentence.

“Zayn, uhm” She hesitated. Zayn made a gesture encouraging her to continue.

“You just like me as a friend, don’t you?” she asked worriedly. But before Zayn had even processed the question, Perrie spoke up again. “Never mind, that was just really dumb of me to ask”

“No it wasn’t dumb” Zayn quickly said. He knew he would regret it, but he wanted this conversation to keep going.

“It’s just that my boyfriend keeps saying you just want to get me into your bed-“

“Your boyfriend?” Zayn couldn’t help but interrupt. Of course she had a boyfriend, she was too perfect to be alone. But, why did he not know about this?”

“Well, I don’t know where we’re standing right now. We’ve been having some problems, but yesterday he called and I told him about all the support you’ve been giving me, well you guys have all been supporting us, and he said that. Of course he would, I love him but he’s too possessive, he’s mad at me for coming here” Perrie rambled on.

“You love him” Zayn whispered, gaining the blonde girl’s attention. Zayn was mad, all of this time he’s been falling for the cheery blonde and she was taken. He was not mad at her, although if she hadn’t keep the fact she had a boyfriend a secret it would’ve save him all this trouble, but what was mad at life; maybe this was what they called karma. All the hearts he’d broke and now it was his turn.

“No, that’s the problem. I don’t anymore, it doesn’t bother me he’s mad at me because of you.” Perrie told Zayn, looking at him straight in the eyes. “It’s the fact that…” she turned her gaze away from him.

Zayn wasn’t sure if he was just imagining things, but he had nothing to lose, so he decided to go with his instinct. Perrie liked him, he could see it now, and he liked her too. So there was just no use trying to hide his feelings anymore, he just couldn’t do it now.

“I do like you Perrie, a lot more than I’m willing to admit” Zayn started. He suddenly realized there were three heads peeking through the door, if the girls we’re trying to go undercover, they were doing a very crappy job. “Why don’t we talk this in a more private place?” he offered.

“There’s no use” Perrie said getting up. Zayn sighed, he thought he was doing the right thing; maybe she had misinterpreted his words.

“But he’s not right, Pez. I don’t want to hurt you, that’s why I haven’t act on my feelings”

“Zayn, let’s not. The others are going to hear” She muttered, she was conscious of her friends presence too. Yeah, it was definitively karma. He got his hopes up just to get them crushed in a matter of minutes. “I thought you liked me too” he managed to say, clearly confused by Perrie’s actions.

“I do Zayn. But I need some time to think, maybe?” Perrie pleaded with her bright blue eyes. “Please don’t be mad at me”

“How could I possibly mad at you, Pez?” Zayn said with a somewhat bitter smile. “I care about you way more than you think; I wish you’d believe me.” With that, the raven haired boy left the room, passing next to Perrie’s shocked band mates, and leaving the blue eyed girl alone with her thoughts.

 Thank you for rading! Lots of love :)

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