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“So basically, the Little Mix girls think Perrie made some evil plan to gain more popularity and become the star of the band?” Louis questioned after Zayn finished his story. The raven haired boy just nodded at his friend. “That’s some fucked up shit. I don’t really know Perrie but I don’t think she’s that evil. Those girls are watching too much East Enders, no one does those things”

“I know, and the worst part is that Perrie’s buying it. She kept trying to apologize to the girls but they won’t listen, I told her to drop it, if they think so low of her then they don’t deserve their company but she keeps crying about how she should've known better and dating me was obviously going to drag more attention to her”

“Thank god I’m not a girl” Louis stated, earning a chuckle from Zayn. “No, in all seriousness, I’m glad we don’t have all these drama going on around in our band. We were lucky that our personalities didn’t clash”

“Don’t turn into a sap” Zayn said, giving him a tight hug. “But yeah, we are lucky… This only makes me feel worse for Perrie, I wish I could do something else but I can’t even visit her or they’ll kick her out, we were lucky we didn’t got caught”

“What?!” Louis exclaimed in surprise.

“That’s a totally different story” Zayn explained, not wanting to talk about that issue too. He had never stopped to think how complicated he had actually made things for Perrie, and he hated himself for it. His thoughts were interrupted when Louis spoke again.

“Just be there for her, and hope someone smack some sense into those crazy girls”


“Perrie?” someone asked. The blonde girl was still sitting in her corner, feeling better after spending some time with Zayn, that boy could enlighten her mood in any situation. She looked up to face the voice that called her, assuming it was one of her housemates asking if she wanted to eat or something, but the person calling her name was someone totally unexpected.

There stood Jesy, you could see she had been crying too. Perrie raised an eyebrow, confused about the girl’s approach, she seemed like wanting to talk, properly talk, not yell insults at each other like they had been for the past hours.

Jesy sat next to her, confusing the blonde even more. The other girl took a deep sigh and made a few attempts to start a conversation, Perrie just remained silent, not really wanting to hear what Jesy had to said.

“Okay, I’m sorry, fine?” Jesy said, trying to grab Perrie’s attention without succeeding. “I’ve been thinking, and I remember how conflicted you felt about dating Zayn and how just a few weeks ago you were crying about your ex. And you’ve been always so nice and caring and it seems too farfetched that you would actually go this far to grab just a little of attention. I don’t understand why I believed for a second you were capable of doing this. I’m truly sorry”

Perrie finally turned her attention to the girl, but only gave her a cold stare. She was tired, both of them were tired, but for her the damage was already done. She was relieved though, that some of them were actually thinking straight and realizing she was unable to do something so devious.

“And we both said stuff we didn’t mean” Jesy continued. “At least from my side, and I would really like to apologize to both you and Zayn for my behavior earlier”

“I’m sorry too, for all the things I said” Perrie said with sincere eyes. “But don’t expect for me to act like nothing happened”

“I totally understand that. It’s just that competition is getting a little to our heads-“

“A little?” Perrie interrupted raising her eyebrow.

“Ok, a lot. But thing weren’t really looking in your favor, at least from our side. It is true that 90% of the articles about Little Mix are centered towards you and that made us feel insecure. Same with twitter, if you search Little Mix, all the tweets are about you dating Zayn. Plus they keep reminding us around here how you are better than us, they always want to make you the lead. How would you feel if you were in our position?”

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