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Update! Another chapter for you to read, hope you enjoy it. I'll change the book description as it isn't really about one shots anymore and more like a full story but I have no idea of what to write.. any ideas? I'm also thining of changing the cover but I'm too lazy, enough rambling... here's the chapter

Perrie sighed one more time. Every now and then, when things got too personal or offensive, she would reply to him, but for the rest of the conversation, she just hold her phone to her ear and listened to everything her now ex-boyfriend Adam said, she owned him that.

“Of all the five guys you had to go with the one I dislike the most!!” Perrie rolled her eyes at the comment, after an hour of picking on her, now he was going to mention all of Zayn flaws. That’s what she gets for being completely honest with Adam, the minute she told him she was confused he immediately assumed it was because of Zayn and she couldn’t bring herself to lie to him. Perrie didn’t like to lie, an when she tried to tell even a little white one, she couldn’t because she was a bad liar, a virtue (or flaw, depending on the point of view) that had caused her many troubles throughout the years.

“Couldn’t you just tell me it was because of the tight schedule or something? Now I can’t look at the guy without feeling sick and those five twats (watch your language, Perrie intervened) are everywhere I go”

“You asked me! Well, sorry for being honest”

“Why didn’t you tell me a lie!!!” He yelled again “Great that’s a 1D song, see? He’s everywhere!”  Perrie’s laugh filled the line as soon as Adam made that comment. “Don’t laugh at me Perrie!” he yelled.

“You seem to know an awful lot about Zayn and One Direction” Perrie chuckled.

“I’ve done my research, to see what I was standing against, guess I lost without even fighting. But do you know he’s cheated on her previous girlfriends?”

“Tabloids make up lots of stuff”

“Like when they made up you and Zayn had something?” the boy replied sarcastically.

“There’s nothing going on between me and Zayn! I told you I was confused because I might like him more than just as friends and I don’t wanted to be clear with you. I don’t feel the same, but it has nothing to do with him”

“My mates told me this would happen; you’ll meet some pop star and dump me. But I was all like, Perrie’s not like that, ha, I’m such a fool!”

“This is getting exhausting and I have to be somewhere” Perrie said getting tired of the conversation, at first she let him let it all out, with hopes of them staying friends after everything. She had explained her feelings over and over again, but he still blamed it all on Zayn.

“Well, have fun shagging him, and don’t cry when he dumps you for the next idiot that falls for his bad boy charm” That was it, Perrie knew he was talking from a place of anger, but she would not take him insulting her like that.

“I AM NOT SHAGGING ANYONE, STOP SAYING THAT. AND DON’T EVER IMPLY AGAIN I CHEATED ON YOU OR THAT I’M A WHORE THAT WOULD SLEEP WITH THE FRIST GUY THAT TALKS PRETTY TO HER” She yelled into the phone, she was fuming mad now. Perrie’s patience was high but when it was gone she went mental; never in her life she had feel more disgusted, there she was trying to be a good person and make things easy for him and all he did was insult her. Perrie went on a rampage of insults to him, now she was the one saying everything that had ever bothered her during their relationship. She had the feeling she was being really loud, but she couldn’t care less, the girl needed to stand up for herself.

“Are you still fighting with Adam?” Jesy interrupted, entering the room. Perrie rolled her eyes and replied with a sarcastic “What do you think?”

“Give me that?” her friend replied. At first Perrie was hesitant, but after a little fight, Jesy took over her phone.

“Umm, hello?” She spoke into the phone, the recipient on the other line was clearly confused by the change of the voice, instantly asking who was talking now. “Jesy, Perrie’s friend. I know you’re angry because Perrie is the best thing that’ll ever happen to you but If I find out you’re insulting her again you have no idea of what I’ll do to you. Now be a good guy and let her continue with her life, which by the way is getting brighter every minute while yours is getting more pathetic and don’t forget to vote for Little Mix” and with that, Jesy hung up the phone.

Perrie was astonished by Jesy’s words; sometimes she wished she was as sassy as her. The long haired girl soon realized the look her band mate was giving her and chuckled. “What?” she asked.

“Thanks for that, but I don’t think he’ll be voting for us anymore” Perrie said laughing about the whole situation. “I don’t know what I’ll do without you girls always supporting me”

“We’ll always be here for you, you’re like our little sister. But now that you have a hot boybander boyfriend with lots of influences you might not need us anymore”

“I am really not dating Zayn, why won’t anybody believe me?” Perrie cried, getting annoyed by the assumptions everyone had made “I’m really confused about my feelings, I just wanna be by myself for a while and make up my mind”

“My little Perrie Winkle, you will date Zayn sooner or later. You might be in denial but you’re smitten with each other. You should see your face right now, just minutes ago you were all sad because of that idiot, but as soon as I mentioned Zaynie your face lit up” Jesy said with a serious tone before leaving the room. Perrie walked behind her as they had to practice their harmonies some more, and she would never admit it to anyone but Jesy was right, she was falling for Zayn really fast. She was not confused, she was just afraid of loving him when he was known to be a player. But as much as she tried to fight her feelings, there was nothing she would love to do more at that moment than hug and see Zayn.

What did you guys think? Next chap will be longer and Perrie and Zayn are going to have a little.... no, I'm not saying. Hope you liked it and thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment please! This was meant to be longer but got deleted, we were supposed to have a Zerrie scene here but well, we'll have the double of Zerrie on the next one! Also, this chapter is dedicated to @Jze1812 for being the first one to give me a comment, thank you so much!

And an special shoutout to the lovely @BohoMix, thank you so much for everything and next chapter is for you!

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