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Hey! New chapter... you guys have absolutely no idea of how hard it is for me to write the girls being mad at each other, but that's ending soon! Enjoy...

"Perrie?" Jade questioned, they had been through some tough rehearsals session and you could clearly see Perrie was upset as she struggled really hard to hit her notes. She threw her water bottle out of frustration, scaring her bandmates and earning reprimands from other people around.

"Can you girls be professional for once?" Tulisa asked. "Leave your stupid fights out of this and start acting like grown women. Now take five and sort your shit out or else I'm no longer working with you" she spat as she left the room.

"You know she says is tough love but sometimes I feel like punching her" Jesy said to Perrie but the blonde wasn't paying attention. She was standing in the exact position from when she threw the bottle, eyes closed and taking deep breaths.

"Perrie?" Jade called again. "What?!" The blonde spat. "If you wanna tell me something just fucking say it!"

"I just wanted to know what's wrong with you" Jade defended herself. Perrie just laughed.

"You wanna know what's wrong with me? I'm done! That's what's' wrong with me. I can't do this, I thought I did but no. I can't stand this anymore, everyone turning against, judging me without knowing me, making up stories, criticizing my every move. Like, I used to pray for us to win but honestly I just wanna be sent home and this to be over. I can't even stand the thought of how hard is going to be if we actually make it" the girl broke down. All of her bandmates went to comfort her, trying to embrace her in a group hug, but she was having none of it. "Get off of me!" she yelled, all the girls ran scared. "I'm sorry but I can't do this, I'm truly sorry" Perrie finally said, taking deep breaths and trying to calm herself.

At that moment Tulisa returned, with the same attitude as before. "Hope this little crying session helped you" she coldly said, taking her seat and giving the girls more instructions. Since they were doing an emotional song, letting out all of their feelings actually made the girls sing at the top of their game and rehearsal was soon over. Both Jade and Jesy tried to go talk to Perrie after the session was over, but before the blink of an eye she was gone and nowhere to be seen.

"Let her be" Leigh-Anne finally spoke after watching her mates call Perrie nonstop. "She needs sometime to cool off, we've been giving her crap but never thought of putting ourselves in her shoes" she said in a sad tone, they have messed up big time and in her mind, it would be a miracle if Perrie ever forgave them.

"No" Jade said nearly crying. "I'm gonna find a way to fix this, we did this girls, us with our stupid jealousy"

"Me with my stupid jealousy" Leigh corrected her. "I was the one that put all those stupid ideas in your head. I feel so dumb"

"I'm gonna see if she wants to speak to me" Jesy said as she left the room, leaving the other two girls lost in their own thoughts.


Liam was sitting in his living room, trying to relax and concentrate himself on other things, things that actually concerned him. His girlfriend, Danielle, had texted him earlier about how there had been drama during the Little Mix rehearsals. She was there practicing a routine as she was a dancer on The X Factor and had witnessed it all.

He took it as Jade not following his advice, as the girls had continued their fighting. He casually asked Zayn about Perrie but the boy said he hadn't heard from her in ages, and she was even ignoring his calls and texts. That wasn't a good sign either, as Danielle had informed him Perrie had a breakdown in the middle of their break.

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