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Perrie fidgeted with her phone. After calling her now ex-boyfriend, she knew she needed to make another call, at least she felt like it. Not that she owned him an explanation or anything...

She finally dialled her number after a deep sigh. 'What are even going to tell him, Perrie?'' she thought, waiting for him to answer. The longer she thought about it, the more unnecessary the called seemed to her. But she needed it, she needed to tell him she was single now...

And then tell him she did not want another relationship. ''What's the point of this?' she asked herself. 'Maybe you want him to fight for you, to convince you that he just doesn't want you in his bed and really cares, that you didn't fall like an idiot' a voice in her head responded.

"I did not fall for him!" She yelled to that voice, out loud, not in her mind like she intended.

"Perrie?" a man on the other line spoke, Zayn. Perrie was glad he could not see her, as she was all shades of red possible, and she didn't want to know if he heard her little outburst. But her brain wasn't still working properly, and in just a matter of seconds she blurted out another embarrassing thing.

"I broke up with him" she told him, and regretted it by the second.

"Sorry, what?" he replied, and Perrie explained herself. "I broke up with my boyfriend... Ex-boyfriend"

She wasn't sure, but she could've swore she heard a little victory scream on the other line. And the truth was, Zayn had a huge smile plastered on the other end.

"But I need to focus on the competition, so no dating anyone until it's finished" Perrie spoke again, and Zayn's smile fell. "And sadly, that means no more talking to you. Cause you're too much of a distraction, and I get even dumber when I'm around you" she blabbered. Zayn tried to stop her and say something, but before he could open his mouth, Perrie had hung up.


Rehearsals were tough that day, Perrie was tired and combining with the events of earlier that day, she wasn't on the best of moods. Not even the girls that always managed to cheer her up were doing it for her.

"Perrie you need to drop the attitude cause it's showing in your performance" Tulisa, their mentor, spoke. "People like Little Mix for how bright and bubbly you are, so if you're not feeling it at least fake it. We can't risk it at this point" she told her. Perrie felt bad, this was the last thing she wanted, for her personal issues to affect her performance.

"See, you can't focus one hundred percent on the competition either way, might as well be happy" a man voice spoke far from the stage.

"Weren't this rehearsals supposed to be private?" Perrie asked bitterly, she recognized the voice, it was Zayn.

"Drop the attitude" Tulisa said once again and Perrie apologized. "And they're rehearsing too, going to perform this week. Plus, they have a lot of liberties since they're superstars now and whatnot. Maybe if you girls focus, then you can have those privileges after you win" their mentor scolded them.

After going trough their song a million times, rehearsals were finally over. The other girls wanted to go out a eat, but Perrie realized Zayn was still observing them and decided to talk to him, she excused herself from the girls and approached him.

"What do you think you're doing" she flat out asked. I hadn't been Perrie's best day.

"I happen to be rooting for Little Mix, really enjoy their performances and wanted to see them rehearse" he said cheekily but decided to try a different approach when he saw Perrie roll her eyes.

"I've been through this before, remember?" Zayn told her "You could really use a friend that understands, I get you don't want to be involved with me romantically, but I like you way too much to let you go. If friendship is all you want from me, then I'll just be your friend.

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