I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

The 5SOS boys had dragged me along to one of their interviews. I almost wanted to murder Calum when he called me at five this morning telling me to meet them at their hotel by six. I didn't understand why radio interviews had to be so early. It was obvious that these boys were all extremely tired, I just hoped that none of the questions would be too difficult for them to answer.

"I'm so tired" I groaned leaning my head on Calum's shoulder, "Why did you make me do this?"

Calum shrugged, "I don't know, I felt like it" The boys all laughed.

"Bella, this is Zop our tour manager, and Zop this is our friend Bella" Michael said introducing me to the last and probably most important member of their crew for the tour. Zop and I had met before due to my mission but we both were able to act as though we had never met before.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you" He said shaking my hand.

I smiled, "And you"

Zop turned to all of the boys, "Remember what you can and can't say on air, it's live so please don't swear" He reminded all of them, they nodded. "I have to make a couple of calls, one of the stylist's quit and it's not fair to have Kelsey on her own especially with the three girls in Hey Violet"

"What about Bella?" They all turned their heads to look at me.

"What do you mean by that Calum?" Zop asked.

Even I was confused by Calum's suggestion, "Bella went to beauty school, she has the qualifications to be our stylist. She's also our friend and we want her on tour with us so that'll make that easier to explain to everyone" It seemed as though he had thought this through, but knowing Calum he was probably just using his persuasive tactics.

"I guess that could be arranged, I'll have to make a couple calls still but it should be easier to do this than it is to find a stylist" Zop replied nodding.

Calum cheered and wrapped his arms around me, "Thank you Cal" I said into the hug, he didn't know it but he had just helped me with my mission making this a bitter sweet moment.

The boys were then called into the recording room so that they could do their interview. "And joining us live in the studio is 5 Seconds of Summer" The boys all cheered, clapping their hands, "It's good to have you here" The female host greeted.

"It's a pleasure to be here" Ashton replied with a smile.

"So you have a tour about to start, tell us a bit about that" The male host said.

Michael took the lead on this question, "Yeah, we're headlining our tour which is called Rock Out With Your Socks Out, it's going to be fun playing to lots of fans every night"

The female host nodded along, "So are you playing in the UK?"

Luke nodded, "Yeah we are, some time towards the end of May and going until the middle of June"

"You have toured before, what's one of the craziest things a fan has done while you're touring?" The male host asked, I knew then and there that he was done asking about anything music related, now it would just be about the fans and girls.

"Actually, we had a group of fans sneak into an arena and hide underneath the seats" Ashton said, I had heard this story before though.

The female host gasped, "Really? What happened top them?"

Ashton laughed, "They were fine, security found them and took them out of the arena but it was still funny how they did that"


After the interview had finished, Zop pulled me aside while the boys thanked the radio station. "Management is happy for you to go ahead and be their stylist alongside Kelsey, however they said that if you don't want to do this they can find another job"

I shook my head, "This is fine, I'll get to spend time with the boys and I won't be busy during their performances so I'll have time to think about everything while they're onstage" I had done some thinking throughout the interview and it honestly seemed like one of the best choices for me to complete my mission while being on tour with the band.

We hopped back into the van, the boys all quiet after their interview. It wasn't the best interview, nothing bad happened on the boys' part, they were all just sick of repeating the same things over and over especially seeing as it wasn't about their music. As predicted majority of the questions were about girls or pointless facts all that meant nothing. Sure, the fans wanted to get to know the boys and learn all of this stuff, but there are so many other interviews with those answers.

My phone buzzed with a text message from my best friend.

Kat: What are you doing tonight? Mind if I tag along with whatever?

Me: I don't know what we're doing I'll ask

Looking up I saw that Ashton was the only one without headphones in, "Ash?" I said grabbing his attention, "What are we doing tonight?"

"Movie night I'm pretty sure" He replied smiling.

"Can Kat join us?"

Ashton nodded, "Of course, just make sure she doesn't leak our hotel address" He joked. I turned back to my phone to inform Kat of our plans.

Me: Ash said that we're just hanging out at their hotel for movie night

Me: You can come too so I'll text you the address


This was terrible I'm sorry, Wattpad deleted this chapter and the next one so I had to re-write them.

Bella's going on tour now. Sorry for the filler's just had to make sure that you all build up the scenes in your mind.

Have you all noticed the same thing with the radio? Like we all know the story about the girls under the seats because they are always asked that question and they use the same answer. I honestly don't know what the radio hosts expect, like if you ask the same question you'll receive the same answer.

Majority of the next chapter has been re-written so I'll probably post that tonight if I can because I feel bad for not updating due to it not saving.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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