Note: Okay, chapter 30. How did that even happen?

I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

We stood at reception waiting for the rest of the boys to come downstairs. Ashton's arm was wrapped tightly around my waist. We could hear the screams of all the fans waiting outside. It was always worse when we stayed in a place for more than one night. The extended stay allowed more fans to gather outside. I felt really bad for the other guests who had to deal with the screaming fans all night.

"Bella, could I just have a quick word with you?" Zop asked, I nodded and we walked out of earshot. "I just wanted to congratulate you on your outstanding job for this tour. You have managed to go through with the task set and you are being given a month to fully complete it"

It all hit me at once, I only had a month left with these boys. Only a month left with Ashton. Collecting myself as best I could I made my way back to Ashton, "What was that about?" He asked.

"Nothing, he just said thank you for doing my job this tour" I told him, technically it wasn't a lie, I was just leaving out the main part. I didn't like having to watch my words when I spoke with him, but there was no other way. One slip up and our whole relationship would be ended with no hope of fixing it.

Once Michael walked downstairs we were all ready to leave. I went with Dave to the car, while the boys went with two other security guards to meet the fans. "So you're job is almost over" Dave said, "Yes I know about it" He must have seen my shocked face. "What are you going to do?"

"There's not much I can do" I shrugged, "I have to go through with it no matter how much it hurts me or them" Saying it out loud only made me believe it even more. I was going to have to face reality soon.

Dave stopped the car in the next street where the boys would be meeting us, "Bella, I've seen the way you act around the boys. You've built a close bond with all of them, not just Ashton"

I sighed, "I know, and I knew this would happen. There was no way I could've kept this going without actually becoming friends with them" I looked over at him, "What do I do?"

"Find a loop hole" He said simple.

The boys piled into the van before I could ask Dave what he meant. I knew what a loophole was, I was a law student after all, but I wasn't sure how to find one in this situation. I made a mental note to go through all of the e-mails and messages about the mission when I was alone.

Ashton's lips on my cheek pulled me away from my thoughts, "How were the fans?" I asked him.

"They were okay I guess, all just screaming and shoving their phone in our faces" He said sadly, Ashton loved his fans, he just wished that they didn't just want a photo. He wanted to talk to them, sure it was hard in some situations especially when there was a lot, but they all just screamed at him so they could get a photo.

We arrived at the airport and did what we were used to. Check in. Go to the room. Board plane. If I'm being honest I was going to miss the flights and hotels. It's going to take a while getting back into normal life again, but for the boys they were only taking a short break before going back into the tour lifestyle.


Walking off the plane at Sydney airport, I laughed when Lauren and Harry ran over to Ashton and I, pulling us both into a hug. We made our way over to Anne-Marie, after Ashton, I gave her a small hug saying hello. I loved how close I had become with the Irwin family.

"Ashton said that you weren't coming back to Sydney, how come you changed your plans?" Lauren asked me once we arrived, the two of us were currently sitting in Ashton's room while he talked with Harry.

"We had a fight, and it was pretty bad, just like Mali predicted. The boys locked us in a room together and we managed to talk it out, and now we're back together" I told her trying to keep the details vague. I really didn't want to have to go through the emotions of our argument, it hurt just knowing that it happened, let alone thinking about it in detail.

"Ooh, I have a surprise for you Lauren" I said excitedly remembering the supplies I had managed to get her.

Reaching into my suitcase I pulled out the bag of makeup that I ordered for her. She looked into the bag and gasped, "Thank you so much Bella" She said hugging me.

"It's okay" I told her, "Sorry you had to wait so long for it though, the postage was just really expensive from America to Australia"

"That's fine" She said happily. "I'm going to go tell mum, come with me" I stood up and followed her downstairs, Anne-Marie sat outside reading her book. "Mum, look at what Bella brought me" She exclaimed, handing the bag to her.

Anne-Marie looked inside, "Wow, Bella this must have cost you. Let me pay you back" She insisted but I shook my head.

"It was no problems really, I got a fair discount so it wasn't anywhere near the amount that Lauren would have had to pay for it" I said shrugging it off like it was no big deal because it wasn't.

The boys joined us outside, "Lauren, where did you get all that?" Harry asked gesturing to the make-up.

"Bella bought it for me" She said smiling widely.

Ashton looked over at me, "Did you seriously buy all that makeup for my sister?"

"Yeah" I mumbled not knowing what he was going to say about it.

"How did I get so lucky?" He asked, "I have a beautiful girlfriend who cares about me and my family" Ashton sighed happily. "I love you" He said quietly.

I looked up at him, "And I love you"


Bella keeps talking about how much she's going to miss Ashton because she's in love with him. I mean if you were dating Ashton Irwin and there was a possibility that you might loose him, it'd be on your thoughts 24/7.

I don't even know what to say in this author's note.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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