Note: I'm going to pretend that 5SOS performed at Radio 1 Big Weekend on Sunday the 24th of May and the show in Paris was on the 23rd. This chapter takes place on the 22nd.

I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

Ashton: Do you want to go on another date with me?

I turned around and lightly slapped the boy sitting next to me. "What?" He laughed trying to act innocent.

"You did not just ask me out on a date, over text" I said in disbelief.

He shrugged, "I've done it before"

I rolled my eyes, "Not when you were sitting right next to me" I wasn't mad or anything, I just didn't understand why he didn't ask aloud.

"You were looking down at your phone, I didn't want to disturb you" Ashton defended himself.

"You're an idiot" I told him laughing, "But the answer is yes, I will go on another date with you"

We arrived at the hotel, the boys had to go to a meeting about something, I think it was about the DVD they're filming in London. This gave me some time alone to FaceTime Kat. Her smiling face appeared on my phone screen, "Bella" She screamed.

"Hey Kat" I laughed at my over-enthusiastic best friend. We chatted for a couple of minutes until I remembered why I called her in the first place. "Kat, I need your help with choosing an outfit"

"For what?" She asked, I forgot that I hadn't told her about my date with Ashton tonight. When I explained to her, she told me to pull out the two outfits that I was stuck deciding between. After showing her Kat was able to decide almost instantly.

Once I had hung up the phone, I realised how much I actually missed my best friend. Sure, I was having a lot of fun with the boys on tour and the two of us texted often, I still missed having Kat around. After having her always there, and living with her for a couple of years, not having her around me was strange. It helped that she was in a similar timezone, it only made me wonder what happened when we moved onto another leg of the tour.

Ashton and the rest of the boys arrived back at the hotel, "Babe how long do you need to get ready?"

"Depends on how soon we need to leave" I shrugged, "Wait, did you call me babe?" He nervously looked at me, obviously remembering the first time we met, "Don't worry it was hot" I told him kissing his lips.

"We can leave whenever your ready, so if you get ready now we can leave soon" Ashton smiled, I nodded and pushed him out of my room. We both had separate rooms, but I'd be lying if I said that we slept in separate beds. It was all completely innocent though.

Once I had finished my shower I got into the outfit that Kat chose. While doing my hair Ashton walked in, "Woah" was all he said, I laughed at his face, "You look absolutely stunning" Ashton sat quietly beside the sink as I put on my make up, "I don't even know why you bother putting this stuff on, you're beautiful with make-up"

"That's very sweet of you, but unfortunately the rest of the world doesn't share the same opinion" I sighed.

"Are you talking about the fans?" He said suddenly panicked, "I can tell them to stop to be honest they're not even real fans if they're hating on you"

"Ashton" He stopped rambling and looked at me, "I'm not talking about the fans, I'm just talking in general" I glanced at him through the mirror, "And by the way, if you become one of those boyfriends that throws away their girlfriend's make up because she doesn't need it, I will beat your ass"

"Kinky babe" Ashton replied with a smirk toying on his lips.

Once I was ready to leave Ashton slipped on some shoes and we left the room, waving goodbye to whichever members of the band were sitting inside. We hopped into the van and said hello to Dave who, by this stage of the tour, I knew very well.

After a couple of minutes driving Ashton turned to me with a blindfold in his hand, "I'm not wearing a blindfold Ash"

"Why not" He pouted, I had to resist the urge to place my lips on his.

Explaining to him that I had already gone on a date with him and not known where we were going, and also mentioning the fact that a blindfold was so cliche, I managed to not wear the blindfold. I looked around the sights, Paris was extremely beautiful at night.

There were a couple similarities between London and Paris, but I definitely enjoyed the sights in Paris more, maybe it's because it's something I wasn't used to seeing every night. I had always had a weird fascination with cities at night, I loved the way that the lights shone through the darkness.

I heard Ashton chuckle softly beside me, I turned to him with an eyebrow raised, "What's funny?"

"You look so cute staring out the window like a child" He told me with a sweet smile, trying to distract from the fact that he was laughing at me.

"I am a child" I told him.

He shook his head, "No, you only act like it" I playfully pouted at his words and turned my head so my back was to him. Ashton laughed once again, and took a stand of my hair in his fingers, him playing with it. Still pretending to be mad at him I grabbed all my hair and pulled it in front of my shoulders.

"Come on Belle, don't be like that" Ashton had taken it upon himself to give me a nickname that no one else used. He tried Issy, but I really didn't like that, so he settled with Belle. I loved it when he called me that, it made me feel special. Ashton called me Belle because it's the name of a princess and he thought of me as his princess.

The night went perfectly, Ashton had organised for us to have dinner at the Eiffel Tower. We spent the night talking, not once was there an awkward pause in the conversation. He was turning out to be everything I had ever wanted in a boyfriend, and that scared me. I liked him so much, and in the end I was just going to be hurting him. There was no way that we would be able to keep our relationship going after my time was up.


This chapter showed the playful part of Ashton and Bella's relationship. The pair have managed to form a close bond and are able to joke around with each other because they're comfortable with one another, and I personally believe that is one of the most important parts of a relationship.

I didn't like this as much as I thought I would when I added it to the plan, but hopefully it wasn't too sucky. I'm sorry.

People commented on the last chapter saying they were wondering how the fans would act. As an author I hate giving everything out straight away, I like to slowly build on details and the fans reaction will be the same.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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