I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

We stood at the airport, there weren't many fans around so the boys stopped and took pictures with the ones that were waiting. Kat had come with us, she would leave once we boarded the plane. In total we had to do twenty four hours of flying, but we had split it into two parts so we wouldn't be on a plane for that long at one time.

I personally was not looking forward to this, but we were going to New Zealand, and I had never been there before. I was glad that we were able to go to London first, because even though it was becoming winter on that side of the world, I needed to grab some clothes for a warmer climate.

I looked at everyone sitting around me. Michael and Kat were talking about something that interested both of them, Calum and Luke were texting each other despite sitting side by side, and Ashton was on Twitter.

It was finally time to board the plane, I took my seat next to Ashton and placed my headphones in my ears. I watched as Ashton took one from me and listened to my music. It was good that we had a similar music taste because music meant a lot to both of us, and being able to share it with one another helped to build our relationship.

An hour into the flight I noticed that Ashton had fallen asleep like the rest of the boys, I took this opportunity to put a movie in. It wasn't that I didn't mind watching movies with them, they just didn't like to watch the chick flicks that I did. Putting She's The Man on I took the earbud out of Ashton's ear and placed it in my own.

Halfway through the movie one earbud was taken from me, I turned to find Calum awake. "What are you watching?" He asked noticing the soccer being played on my screen.

"She's The Man" I told him, "It's about a girl, Viola, who wants to play soccer but the girls team gets cut, and she can't play in her school's boys team, so when her twin brother decides to ditch for a couple weeks in London, Viola heads over to his elite boarding school, disguises herself as him and then other stuff happen" He shrugged and placed the earbud in his ear and proceeded to watch the rest of the movie with me.

When the movie finished we decided to put another one in, "Are you okay with us watching 10 Things I Hate About You" Calum and I both knew that he didn't have a choice, it was my laptop that we were watching it on anyway, he could easily use his own.

Ashton was still sound asleep when this movie finished despite Calum and I laughing a little bit too loudly. I turned to Calum, "You can choose the next movie" I told him.

"Are you going to judge me if we watch Monsters Inc" I shook my head and giggled as he pressed play on a movie from our childhood. Calum and I watched the movie, I started to pick up on things that I hadn't noticed when I was younger, and it made the movie even more enjoyable.

We were reaching the half way point of the flight when Ashton woke up, "Hello" I said kissing his lips, "Have a good sleep?"

"It was alright considering we're on a plane" He sighed, his voice extremely low seeing as he had just woken up. "What did you do while I was asleep?"

"Watched movies with Calum" I told him, he nodded and put his arm around my shoulder protectively, I laughed at him. On a plane the only things that we could really do was eat, sleep, listen to music and watch movies. Ashton and I were watching another movie when I let myself drift off to sleep.


"Belle" I heard a voice whisper in my ear, "Wake up princess" I opened my eyes to find that we had finally landed in Singapore. Slowly I stood up stretching my arms up letting a yawn out. I sighed and wrapped my arms around Ashton still half asleep. He let me lean onto him as we walked off the plane and into the terminal. We had an hour before the next flight where we would arrive in New Zealand.

We all moved into a room where they served us with some food and a drink, I sat at the table with the band. Three of them got up to use the bathroom, so I was stuck at a table with Luke.

"I know what you're doing" He told me, his voice was sharp, "I don't like it"

I froze, trying not to let it show I asked my next question trying to sound as innocent as I could, "What do you mean?" maybe he knew something else, although I highly doubted it.

His eyes looked dead into mine, "I overheard your conversation with Zop, I know exactly why your here and I won't let you hurt Ashton"

"Wow, the asshole has feelings" I said, the sarcasm practically dripping from every syllable.

"The others may be buying this act, but I'm not Isabelle" He spat my name, "You're going to finish this, and then you can leave. I don't want to see you around any of the boys after this tour, if they find out it'll crush them"

"Exactly Lucas, that's why you won't be telling them anything" I told him.

The boys arrived back after that so we both leaned back in our chair and pretended to be laughing at a joke. Ashton's arm went around my waist and suddenly I felt uncomfortable in his arms, I moved away from him a little bit. He looked at me with concern in his eyes but I just shook my head faking a smile.

The hour passed quickly and we made our way onto the plane, I walked past Luke and he looked at me with a smirk. I tried not to let my appearance show that I was threatened by him but it was difficult.

The eleven hour flight was one of the slowest, Ashton was trying to cuddle me and watch movies but all I wanted to do was be alone and listen to music. I needed to think about what I was doing, this was going to hurt him, and every day the guilt was getting stronger.

We arrived at the hotel in New Zealand, I had spent the car ride from the airport staring out the window in shock. New Zealand was such a beautiful place, I loved it already. Ashton came into my room and pulled me over to the bed where he sat facing me.

"Bella, what's wrong?" He asked me, I knew he would pick up on it. After spending three months with someone you start learn a lot about them and the way they act.

I shook my head once again faking a smile, "Nothing Ash" He looked at me the same way I looked at him when I was trying to get him to admit what was wrong, but the difference was I couldn't tell him.


What will Luke do with the information that he has?

Even though I'm a Luke girl that scene with him and Bella fighting was really fun to write.

24 hours is a long time to fit into one chapter, that's why it's a little bit choppy, but it's not short so hopefully that makes up for it.

The first two movies I mentioned are like my all time favourites even though they're really old, you should check them out.

Today was one of those days, I was literally half asleep writing this, so I'm sorry. I'll make sure it's edited before I publish it.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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