I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

It's the day after the last show of the ROWYSO tour. We have to spend another night in this hotel before flying home tomorrow. Originally I had bought a ticket to fly to Sydney with Ashton, because I wanted to spend more time with him. Of course that plan was disregarded.

Calum had texted, telling me to go to the boys' room. I followed his directions not even caring about what could happen. I knew they were planning something, but at this point in time I really didn't care.

I walked into their room to find Ashton sitting alone, we hadn't actually spoken since our argument. Despite being on a tour together it was really easy to avoid each other. I didn't want to be in the same room as him. Being with him reminded me too much of what we had, and how much I loved him.

I heard a click and turned to the door behind me, it was obvious that we had just been locked in. Why the boys couldn't have come up with another plan I don't know, but if this worked the first time maybe it would work again. Maybe I would get Ashton back.

Ashton turned his back on me, and stared at the wall. I decided then and there that I would do whatever I could to get him back, I needed him more then I needed to breathe. Without him I was a mess.

"Ash?" I said, I needed him back. His silence scared me, I wanted him to talk, even yelling would have been better then the silence. "Are you just going to ignore me?" I questioned. "Ash?" I tried again, but he refused to look my way. "Please don't ignore me" I whispered.

He didn't move, "I'm sorry" I admitted, "I shouldn't have just left you that morning. I should've stayed with you" Ashton still didn't talk. "Ash, please. Please just let me hear your voice again" I said, I missed the way he spoke to me. It wasn't the same just hearing him address the crowd at his shows. He turned to look at me but still didn't talk.

"I don't want you to ignore me Ash, I don't want you to leave ever. I want to stay in your arms forever. Everyday I'm with you, I feel myself falling harder and harder. I don't know what it is but there's something about you, maybe it's the way your nose crinkles up whenever you laugh. Maybe it's because you're not afraid of anything - I don't know. But what I do know it that I love you so damn much" I confessed, I don't understand why I had just admitted my feelings for him and said all those other things, but it felt right.

"You really love me?" He asked, his voice was quiet.

I nodded tears spilling from my eyes, "Yes, of course I do. I always have Ashton. Not talking to you was the hardest thing I've ever done"

"Well Miss Brooks" He said, "I have a confession to make" I looked at him afraid of rejection, "I love you too" I leaped into Ashton's arms hugging him, I missed him so much. His body instantly reacted and hugged me back.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at him. We both leaned in and our lips collided, he cupped my face with one hand and held my hip with the other, my hands finding the back of his neck, the kiss was gentle but hungry and I knew it wouldn't stay that way. The kiss became deeper, harder and more passionate, gently tugging on Ashton's hair he let out a quiet moan.

"Alright that's enough" We heard a voice say. The door opened and the two of us pulled apart, smiling widely at each other.

The rest of the band walked into the room, "Were you guys listening through the door?" I asked with a small giggle. They all looked at me with mock offence.

"Of course not" Michael said, "How dare you accuse us of that"

I laughed and pulled the three of them into a hug, even Luke. "Thank you, I love you"

"Hey" Ashton said, "What about me?" He asked pouting.

"I love you more" I told him placing a sweet kiss on his lips.

He smiled at me and connected our lips quickly, "Okay, now that you're back together the rule applies again, not kissing when we're in the room"

The five of us had all settled on the couch for the last time this tour, to watch a movie together. Ashton hadn't left my side the whole day and to be honest, I wasn't complaining. The two of us weren't really paying attention to movie, but more so each other.

Ashton kept stealing kisses every time I turned to look at him. For the most part his lips were sweetly peppering my neck. It was as if he was trying to make sure that I was his again, that I was really there and not just a part of his imagination.

Midway through the movie Ashton and I got up to leave. We were probably just distracting the rest of the boys anyway. I cuddled into his arms feeling protected, something that had been missing for the last few nights.

"I love you so much" He mumbled into my neck, "I'm sorry that I didn't believe you, I shouldn't have gotten jealous"

I turned so I was facing him, "It's not you're fault Ash" I told him. "We just need to communicate better"

He nodded agreeing with me, "As long as it means keeping you around, I'll do whatever I need to"

Apparently these days I wasn't allowed to have a happy ending to my nights. My phone buzzed with a text, I held my breath as I read it.

Luke: Tour's over, either you tell him or I do

I sighed hoping that Luke would come to his senses and realise that he was being a dick, and he didn't need to ruin my relationship. Of course I doubted that would happen but there was no harm in hoping.

"Are you coming to Sydney with me then?" Ashton asked pulling me away from my thoughts.

I thought it over, of course I wanted to go but I didn't want everything to crash and burn while I was in Sydney. There was also the possibility that Luke might just tell Ashton and I wouldn't be in Sydney with him so I wouldn't even have a chance to explain anything to him.

I took a deep breath and just let myself answer, "I'd love to"


This chapter hurt my heart.

What's Luke up to? Especially after they just got back together. How inconsiderate of him.

We're getting close to the end of the book and it's making me so sad. I don't want this book to end.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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