I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

When I woke the next morning an awake and extremely excited Ashton Irwin lay beside me. "Morning beautiful" He said cheerfully pecking my lips.

I groaned still adjusting to the light, "Happy Birthday Ash" He bounced around claiming that I had to wake up straightaway, "Can't we just stay here for a while" I asked. When Ashton shook his head I sighed and rolled back over to sleep.

"Please Bella" He whined.

"You sound like a child Ash" I laughed.

Finally deciding to abandon sleep, Ashton and I got out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and fixed my hair so I didn't look like a complete slob. I was wearing one of Ashton's shirts and a pair of spandex shorts.

We made our way downstairs where the rest of the Irwin family was seated at the kitchen table, "Happy Birthday Ashton" They all cheered, I let go of Ashton's hand and allowed him to hug his mother. I sat beside Harry and smiled, taking a sip of the coffee that Lauren gave me.

"How was your sleep Bella? Ashton didn't wake you up too early?" After being here for a week, Anne-Marie had learnt that Ashton and I were sleeping in the same bed, but she didn't mind as long as nothing happened.

"I managed to stall for like twenty minutes, but he was like an excited child" I groaned, everyone laughed including Ashton.

"Ashton used to wake us all up extremely early on his birthday, now that he's older it's not as early, but still before he would normally wake up" I nodded agreeing with her, normally I was dragging Ashton out of bed.

Anne Marie soon placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of each other us, we placed them on toast and I added some tomato to mine. Ashton looked at me with disgust as I ate the tomato, "How could you eat such a thing?"

"It's food Ashton" I replied rolling my eyes.

While the rest of the family was cleaning up Ashton pressed his lips to mine before scrunching up his face, "Your lips taste like tomato"

"I guess you won't be kissing them for a while then" I teased before taking my plate and placing it in the dishwasher.

It wasn't long until the Irwin family and I had all gathered in the living room. Excitedly Harry gave Ashton his present first. Lauren and Anne-Marie both handed Ashton his presents as well. Ashton turned to me, "Was I meant to get you a present?" I asked. Ashton stared at me unamused, "Fine, here you go" I sighed handing over the drumsticks.

He unwrapped them, looking down at the ends of the sticks he saw where I had his name engraved, "These are so cool Bella, I'm only going to use these to practice so I don't loose them"

"I still have another present for you, but I'm going to give it too you later after everyone else has arrived" We had organised a small get together for Ashton's birthday. The band and their family was coming, as well as Ashton's extended family.

Ashton groaned, "Does that mean no social media till after the party?" I nodded with a small giggle escaping my lips.


We were about an hour into Ashton's small party, I sat on a bar stool talking with Calum's sister Mali, Lauren had also joined us. "How are things with you and Ash?" Mali questioned, I glanced over at Lauren.

"Is it appropriate for me to say with his younger sister sitting beside me?" I asked.

Lauren shrugged, "As long as you don't go into the details of your make out sessions I think it'll be fine"

I nodded and started to talk, "It's amazing actually. He always knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Ashton's just so kind and sensitive, but he's also really funny and we can tease each other. It's perfect, but it's almost too perfect if you get what I mean?"

Mali nodded, "Yeah, I understand" Lauren was silent, during my conversation with Mali, mainly just listening to what we were saying. "I'm going to say it now, when you and Ashton have your first fight shit's going to go down"

The three of us continued talking, when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. "Hello" I said turning my head to look at the boy who stood behind with a grin on his face.

"Hello" He repeated, "Excuse me girls, but I'm just going to steal my girlfriend for a little while"

I stood up and followed Ashton to his bedroom, "You have a habit of just taking me to places and then we just sit and talk" I told him.

"Maybe all I want in life is to be able to take you to places and just sit and talk" He countered.

"Touché" I laughed, "But seriously, why are we here?"

"If I remember correctly someone still owes me another birthday present" Ashton explained.

"I don't know" I teased, "You're getting pretty old, that memory of yours might be failing you"

Despite the joke, I hopped off the bed and went into the closet when I had hidden his present. Taking it from the hiding spot, I placed the present in front of Ashton and smiled. He opened it, and instantly understood what it was.

"Bella, this is so thoughtful" He said, "Thank you so much" I leaned in and connected my lips with Ashton's. He gently placed his hand on my waist pulling my closer to him. I shivered as I felt Ashton leave light kisses along my neck.

"Ashton" I gasped, turning around so I was now straddling him, "You're such a tease" I whispered in his ear. I left kisses on his jawline, moving down his neck and along his shoulders. With every kiss Ashton only seemed to pull me closer to him, letting a low moan obviously enjoying this. We continued making out until a knock came at the door, Ashton and I both stopped short looking at each other. I still had a shirt on, but Ashton's had been removed, and our hair was a mess.

"Who is it?" Ashton asked nervously.

"It's Calum" I sighed in relief thankful that it wasn't Ashton's mum or siblings.

Ashton groaned, annoyed with his best friend, "What do you want?"

"I was told to come find you, everyone's ready to cut the cake" He said before muttering a joke, that I'm sure was extremely inappropriate.

Ashton looked over at me, we both knew that we had to go downstairs. "Just give us like ten minutes and then we'll be downstairs" He called out, Calum replied and walked away. "That was so close" He told me.

"Remind me to never make out with you while everyone is downstairs, we just have to be thankful it was Calum and he knew that he had to knock" I said, and Ashton agreed.

Ashton put his shirt back on and we both fixed our hair and I fixed my makeup, "Damn I did good" Ashton laughed inspecting the marks he left on my neck. I lightly shoved him before turning to the mirror and putting concealer over the bruises that were forming.

We walked downstairs to find that everyone was ready. The people who were old enough to understand, but young enough to find humour in the situation smirked at us. Before blowing out the candles Ashton looked over at me, I could only hope that his wish would make our future better.


I was thinking that if you all wanted me too, I could have a bonus chapter at the end with the 100 reasons why Bella likes Ashton. Let me know if you want that.

The was a little bit of foreshadowing in this chapter, so be ready.

Everyone clap for Calum who learnt how to knock, cause otherwise things might have gotten a little weird.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

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