Note: Please read the author's note at the end. I need you to comment things :)

I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

This had to be the first time I was not stressing about hanging out with Ashton, he had texted me earlier saying to "wear something warm and comfortable". I was grateful that he said this because it meant that I was able to plan my outfit earlier, and also gave me an idea on what makeup to put on. I followed his instructions but still made sure I looked okay, I was wearing a grey sweater, and black skinny jeans, it was the sort of outfit that was comfortable but still looked like I cared about my appearance and wasn't just throwing things on.

Kat walked into the bathroom while I was applying my makeup, "We need to talk about that movie night with the boys" I gestured for her to continue. "Firstly what did you and Ashton do in the kitchen?"

"Just made out a little" I shrugged with a small smile on my face from the memories. I laughed as my best friend rolled her eyes obviously not surprised by my answer. It wasn't that I had dated a lot of guys in my past, but there was a few boyfriends, one of which Kat walked in on him and I making out.

"And second, I know you were awake during that conversation" I sighed, being my best friend it was obvious that she would know whether or not I was actually sleeping. We had been roommates since we graduated from high school, and before then we would have sleepovers at each other's houses. Both of us knew the other's sleeping habits.

I was a little bit confused though, "Why didn't you tell the boys then?" I asked her.

"To be honest I wanted to see what they would say" Kat replied. I nodded satisfied with her answer.

We talked for a little while longer as I finished my make up, once I was finished we moved to the living room and waited for a knock that came soon after. I opened the door to find Ashton wearing a beanie as well as the rest of his outfit, I had never seen him in a beanie before but he looked really cute.

Making our way to the car park I saw a regular car sitting there as opposed to the black van that we normally had to travel in. "No van?" I asked Ashton.

"Nah, it's dark now, and there won't be any fans where we're going" He told me.

I groaned, "Can't you tell me where we're going?" Ashton had a smirk toying on his lips, "How do you know that I would like it?"

"I asked Kat, she said that you would like my idea" He replied the smirk still evident on his face.

We drove for what felt like hours but was probably only one. The place that Ashton had driven me too was a small field on the outskirts of the city, there wasn't any animals just a large bit of open grass. I was unsure of what we were doing until I saw Ashton pull out a picnic blanket and some pillows.

"I thought we could just spend the night, you and me, just away from the city lights" He finally told me.

I smiled at him, but my kind smile soon turned into a cheeky one, "You could say we're getting disconnected" I laughed. Ashton shook his head chuckling at my stupid pun, I grinned in achievement. "Can you sing Disconnected for me?" I asked him hopefully.

"Only if you sing with me" I nodded and we both started singing. It wasn't the best duet, but it was our duet, and that was all that mattered in this moment.

We finished singing and looked up at the night sky, all of the stars glistening in the moonlight. The moon was the brightest though, lighting up the whole sky. Even from a young age I had enjoyed looking up at the sky, if it were day time I would try to make shapes out of the clouds, and like now, if it were night time I would look for constellations. I didn't know much but I knew enough to find one or two every time I looked up at the sky.

Operation Heartbreak // IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now