I'm here on a mission and I will not fail.

This mission was practically, finished the moment Luke decided to open his mouth.

"Miss Brooks here a talented actress, we all know that, but her level of acting is so advanced that majority of you have fallen for her trap" Ashton had already pulled his hand away from me, the only person who was on my side was Celeste.

"Bella's whole relationship with Ashton was planned, she has been ordered by our management to date Ashton for the time of the tour to keep him under control and out of trouble. Her next job is one that she hasn't completed. In order to make sure that Ashton understands his actions and how much they affected the girls. She must break up with him and break his heart" All of the parents were looking at me with disgust, I longed for the chance to explain everything to them.

"This of course will provide Ashton with inspiration for some good songs that will make more money for our management" Luke stood there looking smug, he knew that the damage was caused and there was no way that I would be able to fix this.

Not giving anyone a chance to talk to me I ran for Mali's bedroom, I heard three sets of footsteps following me. The girls all sat around me trying to help with the tears that I was struggling to keep in.

"I love him" I cried, "I fell in love with him, and Luke just ruined it all"

Celeste pulled me into a hug, "It's okay, we'll get through this"

"Why are none of you mad at me?" I asked in between sobs.

Mali placed her hand on my back, "We've all seen the way you look at him, there's no way you faked the emotion"

I looked over at Lauren, I felt so bad, "I'm sorry Lauren, I'm sorry I lied to your family the most"

"It's okay Bella" She assured me, "Mali's right, you can't fake the love that you and Ashton shared not even the best actress could. I also overheard one of your conversations with your best friend when you two were trying to figure out a loophole"

"Loophole?" Mali asked.

I nodded, "I was trying to find a way that Ashton and I could stay together, but also ensure that I completed my job. I didn't want to have to leave Ashton. I love him too much"

The girls comforting words were soon silenced when another person walked into the room, I looked up to find Ashton standing there. The other girls quietly crept out of the room, leaving the two of us.

"How much?" He asked his voice shaking, "How much are they paying you?"

I shook my head, "It wasn't for money Ashton, I'm only being paid for the stylist job"

"What are you getting then?" No matter how hard Ashton tried to be strong, his voice showed it all. I knew him well enough to know that he was extremely hurt my this. I mumbled my answer not wanting him to know. "Pardon?" He asked.

I sighed, "If I completed this task modest was going to get me the staring role in a movie and help me start my acting career" I replied suddenly ashamed.

"You are using me just so you can be famous?" He replied, the hurt now replaced by anger. "That's a new low Bella, no one has even gone that far before" I didn't reply, it hurt too much. Ashton looked at me, "Well congratulations of the acting, you're good at that" He replied before walking out of the room.

Only Mali and Celeste came back in, I assumed that Ashton took Lauren home, "Come on Bella, I'll drive you to your dad's place" Mali said. We said goodbye to Celeste and walked out through the back avoiding everyone else.

"I'm on your side Bella" She told me truthfully, "Calum told me a lot about you, and you may be a brilliant actress but there's no way that you were acting for all of it" I nodded glad that at least someone understood, "I'll talk to Calum for you and maybe I'll be able to convince him to come by your place" She said.

"Thank you so much Mali" I told her trying to smile, "I'm so thankful that I have you helping me"

She smiled, "No problem, Luke was being a dick anyway. He's changed so much this past year, before they were famous he wouldn't have even dreamed of doing something like that"

"I guess he just cares about the boys" I shrugged trying to understand why he did it.

We arrived at the front step of my father's house. "Hello sir, I'm Mali, Bella's friend" Mali said when he answered.

"Hello, it's lovely too meet you. Would you like to come in?" He asked her.

Mali shook her head, "No it's fine, I should head home. Hope you feel better soon Bella, I'll try talk to him"

My dad looked confused but waited until we were alone to bring it up. "What happened Bella?" I explained the whole story to him, going into detail about the mission and about how I was trying to find a loophole so that Ashton and I could stay together. "It'll be okay" He told me, those three words just sounded like lies.

"I promise, it doesn't feel like it now, but you said it yourself. Everyone knows how much you love him and it's the same with his feelings for you. I've never seen a boy look at a girl like that. It was a look of pure love and passion" He told me, I knew that he was just trying to make me feel better but it still hurt.

My dad looked over at me,"Just give him some time and space. You're welcome to stay here until he comes around, if you want to"

I smiled, "That would be really nice"


The mission has been revealed. Who guessed it?

This is not the end so don't loose hope yet.

Stay Beautiful

- Jacqui xx

Operation Heartbreak // IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now