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Looking a head at the island that stood firmly around the never ending waters of the archipelago,I took a good smell of the salty sea air. I was eager to set foot on the island because I wanted to make sure that the rumors were true. My tribes allie,Cheif Stoick the Vast of the Hooligan tribe's long lost son had returned. Not only that but he took down the demon,Red Death, single handedly.

This year marked the year that our tribes sign a treaty of our said alliance. While I'm there I want to prove another theory, that the Hooligan heir is really Night Rider.


Its been about a year since the battle between dragon's and Vikings. For three centuries it has been kill or be killed a battle that came with a price. That all changed when a boy called Night Rider joined the Dragon Raids six to seven years ago. Despite his small appearance that if a weakling,Night was stronger than any Viking I've known,not even our chief could withstand him.

He road on top of a fearful beast called a Night Fury. One of the most feared dragons. To think a human was raised and treated equally by dragons. But there he was riding on top of a Dragon as if they were one.

One day we found out Night was really our chief's lost son and heir to our tribe. As well as of why the dragons fought us and tried stealing our food.

They were being controled by a true demon, a monster as big as a mountain and a heart made of iron. With our help Night, or Hiccup, defeated the Red Death and freed the dragons from its control as well as ended the war.

Now we ride and train dragons with the help of Night ,I mean Hiccup, and his brother Toothless. Though most of the villagers still have their doubts about man abd beasts living together. I have to admit, we've have had a bit of trouble for the dragons still have that instinct to hunt and steals from us. Not to mention using the town square as a poop stop.

Hiccup is trying his best but not even a Dragon Prince can fix everything in a day.

Closing my journal and placing it in my satchel I stand up from the comforts of the grass I was sitting in. The morning air was crisp but it felt nice. The pond in the the cove let the morning rays reflex off it giving the place a little glow.

I breath slowly letting the stress wash away. For the past few days Hiccup had us riders which are me,Snoutlout,Fishlegs ,Ruff and Tuff ,and our dragons try to make peace with the village. The dragons getting out if control. Eating the food out the storage house,damaging every thing and one. Stoick was about to send them all off but Hiccup came up with a plan all thanks to what a cranky old sheep lover had said.

"Dragons will always follow their instincts."

That gave him an idea to use those instincts to help the village. Luckly it worked. But that was only the first step to a peaceful village.

With a tired sigh, I lay back down on the grass gazing up at the sky. So beautiful. I'm glade Hiccup had change my mind about dragons if he hadn't then I would have never been able to know what it is like to fly in the endless sky.

"There you are M'lady."I heard an all to familiar voice approaching me. I then heard the grass shift a bit as the figure sat beside me.

"Taking a break?" I asked.

"Yeah,the twins and Snoutlout were driving me crazy. How did you ever grew up with them without killing them?"

"I go into the woods and pretend I am." We laugh a little at that. Though I wouldn't really kill them. Give them a peace of my mind yes,but never taking their life,no matter how much the village wishes it.

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