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Toothless has been distant since that day when Dagur came to Berk. He looked as if he was thinking about something. And he says I think too much. While I in my state of wonder,I almost failed to notice to see a large axe coming my way. I duck just in time before my head was chopped clean off.

"Just like old Times huh?" I said to my attacker. Astrid leans against a tree with another axe in her hand. A wide grin on her lips as she twirls her weapon.

"Yeah but I'm not trying to kill you this time." I take a peek at the axe that was embedded in the tree next to me.Yeah,lucky me.

She gets into fighting stance, taunting me.

I smile ,readying my twin swords that have been waiting for an worthy opponent.We circle each other waiting for the other to make the first move. The forest was still,the sound of our movements unheard, our breaths even.

I focused my eyes on my beautiful opponent. Her eyes shimmer with a dangerous yet playful gaze. One traits I've fallen for, crazy yes,but hey I'm one crazy person who grow up with dragons.

Her wielding hand moves slightly.Here we go.Astrid charges at me with great speed but not fast enough. I was able to block her. There is a difference between our fighting styles. One;Astrid is more about strength,to stare het enemy in eye when in battle.This I know from experience. Two;I'm the type to watch my opponent and wait for the element for surprise.

Our little work out was more like a dance of blades. They would glisten in the sun light almost like flames.

Astrid would try to be the dominant partner,but I refused to summit. This began to frustrate her to no end. Competitive as always,lets end this shall we. As she swings her axe I shift my weight to the side to reappear behind her. She looks around confused. As she moves I follow acting as a shadow.

"Hic-AH!" I tackle her to the ground,hovering over her body. She breathes heavily with wide eyes.

"Gotcha!" I laugh.

"Ugh,you always win." She huffed with her arms crossed against her chest." Jerk. "

"Ah but I'm your jerk." I replied rubbing my noise against her cheek.

"Oh are you now?" She says in a voice of wonder.

I look down at her to see a grin are her face." Now M'lady,you won't happen to be seeing someone more worthy than I." I say acting hurt.

"Hmmm, Snoutlout is more devoted."

Ugh,why did she have to mention that moron? Ever since he found Astrid and I became a thing,he tries to butt his fat nose into our love lives.

"He also-mghf." I stop her as I collided our lips together not wanting to hear another man's name come out of her mouth in such a way,even if she is kidding.

"You are my mate Astrid, not him. "I warned.

Now don't compare me to those over possessive mates. I really care for Astrid,it just I don't want Snoutlout going to her head even if she denies liking him on that level. No, you can trust your mate,she choose you.

I feel a warm palm on my cheek, it was Astrid,a guilty look on her face.

"I know, I'm sorry." We kiss deeply forgetting the converstaion completely.

Later that day

I walk Astrid home as the sun readies to rest. We spent the rest of the day training. My arms are sore from the impacts I took from my strong mate. Waiting for her at her nest was her adopted father. He nods once he say I returned her unharmed. In the beginning,he was against the relationship. But as time went by,he slowly approved.

*"Nótt." She says giving me a peck on my cheek.

"Nótt. "I replied as I watched her enter the nest before heading home.

"Welcome home dear." Mom greets me once I entered the nest. She was cooking. My stomach cringed, I could already taste the meal that'll soon be served. "Dinner is ready."

I gulped"Great,I'm s-starving." *Níðhöggr give me strength.

Dad soon joined us in the middle of our meal. He saw my face and he got the message. We both pretend mom's cooking is good so her feeling wouldn't get hurt. We ate with forced smiles. Mom was pleased.

"Dear,where's Toothless. He would usually be the first for food." She's right,Toothless is drawn to moms cooking. Dad and I would give him our scraps if we can't take any more of the torture.

Once it was all over,I crawl to my room feeling sicker than a dog. I open my door to see my brother on the plated rock. Something is wrong. This isn't the Toothless I know. Taking off my boot,I throw it at his head. He looks at me with angry,sad eyes.

Talk to me Toothless. Aren't you the one who told me not to think too much?

I can never get passed you huh? He sighs out a dry chuckle.

Nope so spill it.

I climb onto the platform sitting across from him. He hesitated to speak. Until he lets out a low shaky breath.

Its...about mom and her murderer.

In Norse mythology,Níðhöggr(Malice Striker, often anglicized Nidhogg) is a dragon who gnaws at a root of the world tree, Yggdrasil. (who is a Dragon of evil, but I don't care since most Norse dragons are sought as evil being (supposedly) in mythology anyways)

Nótt- means night.

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