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Hiccup (night)

I had to do it. I had to make sure she stayed away from me. Everyone is to jeep their distance. Dagur is planning something,I can't have my family get involved. But still the look she gave me is imprinted in my mind, she was terrified, because of me.

Packing up my satchel with supplies and my map I head towards the beach where my boat waited. The sky was clear of any storms and the winds was powerful enough to push the sails. Looking back at the village above I give a silent goodbye.

Everyone can hate me for what I've done but what other choice did I have? I wished nothing turned out like it did but the damage has already been done.

Once the boat was ready to take off I pushed it into the water and hoped on deck. Looking at my map I only had one last place to search and that's days away from Berk and any other island further of in the archipelago.

I have to do this alone.

Hiccup hasn't been seen since that day. Valka asked everyone around the village about his whereabouts but no one knows. Toothless is still on the island which was strange but Hiccup has been different lately. First being distant even ignoring Toothless. Then he attempted...attempted to rape me. It was if he was trying to get everyone to hate him.

In all honesty, I don't hate him. Most would in my situation but I know that Hiccup a couple of days ago was not my Hiccup.

"We need to find him." I said to my friends in the mead hall one evening.

"Why should we?" Snorts Snoutlout. "He left because he doesn't care for anyone of us anymore, I doubted he cared at all! I mean he left Toothless behind!" He points to the dragon that lay in a corner.

"I agree with Astrid." Fishlegs says. "Something has been in his mind and what ever it is he doesn't want any of us to get involved. "

"..." the twins look to each other not knowing who to agree with.

"We'll go." Tuffnut says finally. His sister nodded.

"Tks. Fine whatever,go, but once you don't find him don't cone crying to me!" The short boy then stomps off out the mead hall, slamming the door behind him.

It was obvious that Snoutlout cared about Hiccup,as did all of us. In the beginning Snoutlout hated his guts but slowly the two became somewhat friends,and for Hiccup to do this ment betrayal.

That evening, every one readied their dragons and supplies for what may be a long journey. Just as we were about to leave, Snoutlout approached with Hookfang.

"Don't get the wrong idea, I still say we shouldn't find him but you'll need my Snoutloutness to survive."

We rolled our eyes knowing he wanting to help.

"Okay Toothless, lead the way." I said to the mid black scaled reptile.

The dragon spreads his wings and takes off into the sky. We follow right behind. We're coming Night. I'm coming.

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