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My suspicions were true.

That beast was no doubt in my mind was a the legendary Night Fury, and Hiccup, oh yes Hiccup indeed is Night Rider. The way the two acted that day,it was like they were communicating by their movements. To think they almost had me fooled.

Rummaging through me chambers on the ship I gathered all my prized possessions. The blades to my swords were whispering to me,wanting to taste the blood of the offspring of death.

"Soon my dears soon."

This time I'll make sure the beasts head is displayed on my wall and its skin as my cape. Unlike my father,who was to soft to finish the last one off. The foolish thing to do.

But he's no longer in command, no, its Dagur's turn.


Hiccup has been distant for the past few day's. Everyone has noticed,the dragons mostly. The rowdy creatures calmed down as they watched their Prince sulk in the distance.

"Hey when is Dragon boy getting here!" A impatient Snoutlout says laying Hookfang's neck.

"Yeah let's burn some thing already!" Adds Tuffnut.

"I think something's wrong with him. He seems out of it." Says Fishlegs whom seemed to actually care other than me.

After another ten minutes, I hop on Stormflies saddle and we took off to look to Hiccup. We flow all over Berk from the highest mountain to the lowest fields, nothing.

We then head out to sea until we finally spotted a black reptile and his brother who sat on a stone island. Hiccups eyes look out onto the horizon deep in thought.

"Hey,babe." I sat next to him once we landed on the rock.

He gives me a slight glance before looking back at the sea that moves against the calm wind. I wait for him to talk,it's silent for a while until he finally cracks.

"Toothless told me about why the name Berserker sounds so familiar." He says in a rasp voice as if he has been yelling or crying for sometime.

"My mother was murdered by a Berserker, Dagur's father. I knew the way she described her attacker before she died. She said he was a leader of a "Berserk" tribe. Now I know what she ment by that."

He explained how their mother returned from a raid. His breath shook with each word that escaped his lips. I lean against him to comfort him,it was the only thing I could do.

Toothless lays by Stormfly who did the same. The dragon whimpers like a child would when they are about to cry.

"If I had been to be with, I should've been with her." Hiccup whispers.

"Don't say that. If you'd had gone then none of this;the alliance with dragons, you and me, freedom from the Red Death. None of it would ever exists."

I pull him into a tight embrace. To think I would've never met Hiccup and would've continued on with the goal to kill dragons. I love Hiccup, truly. There is no doubt in my mind that what happened to his mother, would've happened to him too. I couldn't bare such thoughts. I hug him even tighter like he would disappear if I let him go.

"I'm here for you,you know that right?" He nods as he lets silent tears fall from his eyes and onto my shoulder." Always. "

I stayed up late after the much needed talk with my mate. She was right,if I had died then none of this would be real. But I could contain the anger that fills my heart. I wanted to go and kill that monster for killing my mother.

She wouldn't want you too.

You must, she did nothing wrong!

I clutch my throbbing head as my angels and demons fought on the choice I must choose.

So you'll sink into the same level as him?

My anger ceased at that thought. If I went for revenge,I'll be the same as that man.

No I can't do that. I won't.

Besides, Dagur is the new chief. I have a feeling that he killed his father the previous chief. Dagur,that guy is a throne in my side just thinking about him. To believe we are alliances with him and that barbaric tribe of his. They hunger for blood,the joy of a suffering.

Suddenly I felt something hit my head with a WHAP .


I craddle my now stinging head. A not was beginning to form. I glare over at my brother who glares back.

Stop thinking to hard.

Seriously? Gods that hurt.

Stop your complaining. So what ate we going to do about that tribe?

I sigh, getting up out my Redland over to him. He opens a ring to let me lay by his side.

I don't know. I can't just go after the whole tribe and act like nothing happened after.


And wouldn't want us to do something so rash. She wouldn't want you to stoop to that level.

He nods in agreement. He then yawns and curls next to me. Lets just get some sleep,its all in the past and dwelling on it won't lead to the future.

I laugh. You're such a poet.

With a smile we feel asleep.

The Dragon Prince (Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin