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I sat in my chiefs chair that was made by the first Hooligan chief. I sit as listen to my sons story which both alerts me as well disappoints me. All this time he was dealing with Dagur and his deranged plan. He made many think he ran away or worse with the distance he portrayed upon us. My wife stands by my side ,her eyes glistening with relied tears as well sad. She was more worried then us all.

My eyes then take a glance at the Skrill that sat next to my son as he explained everything. His dragon takes the other side keeping an eye on the New reptile.

To think Dagur wanted this creature to destroy us as well as others. Indeed it is dangerous due to its ability to manipulate lighting as if a descendent of Thor himself.

"I'm sorry, dad. "Hiccup says not looking in the eye as if waiting for me to disown him on the spot.

I get up from my seat and approach him. Each step I take, he flinches. This is a side I rarely see of my son. Nomally he'd show no fear, and take what's coming to him. But having a alliances with Dagur seemed to take a toll of my boy. He didn't want to do and did many things to try to protect his clan as well as other tribes. A brave act.

I place a steady hand on his shoulder. He looks up, eyes wide and almost glistening with tears but holds them back.

"You did well son."

He lets out a gasp when I embrace him. I lost him once,I'm not planning on losing him now.


I watch with a smile as Stoick praises our son for his courageous act. I could tell the experience with dealing with the Berserker chief and deserving his own took a humorous toll in him since he showed a foreign fear in his eyes.

That fear soon leave as Stoick easies his worries.

Now the only worry we all had to be cautious of is Dagur ad his armada.

"There's someone else we need to wary of. "Hiccup says as he ponders on how to explain Dagur's new alliance with another tribe.

He explains of a island that was far away from most and almost seemed more dead than a field of bones. He describes the chief of this tribe which brings shivers of anger through my bones.

"Alvin the Treacherous. "

The room murmurs amongst themselves at the name my husband growls. Alvin was one of our own warriors of this tribe but around the time Stoick was announced chief, everything changed.

Alvin and Stoick were very good friends, brothers. They fought be each others side but one battle, I'm afraid changed their relationship forever.

Since that day Alvin and those who followed his orders, were sent off to Outcast Island.

It came as no surprise to me that he wants revenge against his former tribe. Now with Dagur on his side we'll need to keep pur senses open for anything.

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