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Hiccup (night)

Skrilla and I were souring through the clouded sky, searching for the Berserker tribe,mostly Dagur. We wanted this to end and quickly before things got out of hand. As my eyes scan the vast ocean and the islands below, I catch sight of a ship, Dagur's ship.

It rested on a eerie island that made my skin crawl. The island looked as if it couldn't support much life since it was mostly grey rock and metal.

Lets take a look. Says Skrilla.

I agreed but I had her hide while I investigated.

Slowly creeping through the island I came across a cave that lead to a large room. The slurred voices of men filled the air along with the thickness of ale. Blending in with the darkness I was able to pass the guards with ease.

I sharpen my ears when I hear a sobber Dagur speaking with a tall and intitating man. He smelled heavily of blood and grim as well as ale but he was sobber enough to speak with the young Berserker chief.

"And once I have the Skrill in my control,you'll be able to get revenge on the Hooligan tribe." Dagur says with a grin.

The man nods combing his large hand through his beard. "Excellent, but who is bringing that dragon hmmm?"

"Night Rider."

The room grows silent at the mention of my name. Each had their expression and they weren't pleasant.

"Rider? The Dragon Prince? Bwahaha! You must be joking, hahaha! "The man bellows in laughter.

His men laughed along with him but Dagur wasn't so amused. "Its true. He and I made an alliance. No one on Berk knows of this but he and I, as well as my men. He will bring me the Skrill."

Oh I'll bring her to you, as well as Hel.

Once I heard enough, I went back to Skrilla who waited to hear what I had discovered.

We need to warn everyone on Berk about this. I said.

She nods in agreement. We felt off into the direction of Berk. Deep down I hoped I wouldn't bump into Astrid when I got there. I still felt guilty bottled up in me about what I did to her. If she hates,I can understand that. She has the right to.


We've been at this for days. We searched high and low but still no sign of Hiccup. Toothless was getting antsy and wanted to go off on his own but I was able to convince him to stay with the group.

"Astrid." I hear Fishlegs groan from the left of me. I look over to see him half sitting on Meatlug with droopy eyes. "Couldn't we rest up a bit?"

The others agreed. We've been flying since dawn and fatigue was catching onto us. I really wanted to keep going but the dragons need to rest more since their holding both their riders weight as well as their own.

I agreed and we all landed on the nearest island. The dragons lay on the warm sand once it touched their claws. I pat Storm fly for her hard work and gave her her favourite meal,chicken.

Once camp was made, we all went to sleep well some of us. I was to anxious to even shut my eyes. Hiccup,where are you? I hear Toothless grunting a sigh as he looks out at the vast ocean that surrounded us. He misses Hiccup more then any one, they're brothers.

What was he thinking? What is that he needed to do that is so important that he'd try to make me hate him? Why? Questions flood through my mind causing pain to rush through my brain.

As my head pounded with questions,from the corner of my eye I see Toothless jump up from his spot. His ears twitch as they listened for something that human hearing cannot pick up. Then he starts to run off into the forest with great speed.

I take chase not getting the time to wake up the others. We pass and leap over trees and logs, tale sharp turns until coming upon a clearing. In the clearing was a dragon, one I've never seen before. It was about the same size as Toothless and had the same amount of imitating dominance.

It circles around a boy who sits perfectly still, not aware of then easy that was to attack him. Just as it was about to strike, Toothless tackles it with a am very roar.

The boy turns around and I gasp when I notice who it was.

"Hiccup! "

He looks over to me shocked and had a hint of fear in his forest orbs.

"Astrid?" He barely whispers out.

His attention from me ends quickly when he sees the two dragons fight. He jumps to his feet and starts yelling in his native tongue. The two brawlers stop at his tone but continued to glare at each other.

"Skrilla was only training with me! There was no need for a fight!"

"He didn't know Hiccup,we finally find you not knowing how much fear and pain you've caused us these last few days! He didn't want you to get hurt!" I snapped.

He darts his eyes to the ground not looking up. All was silent until he motions towards his brother and embraced him.

"Sorry bud,I'm sorry." He says,his voice hoarse as if he was trying not to cry.

Toothless wraps a paw around him in his dragon way of hugging. I smiled slightly at the sight.

A groan and growl comes from the ladder dragon who watches from the sidelines. Hiccup gets up patting his brothers head.

"We need to get back to Berk. Its urgent." He says in a serious tone. More serious then the battle a year ago.

"Why?" I asked as we all head to the beach where the other lay resting.

One word. That's all it took to make my stomach cringe and my heart to speed up to the point I thought it'd burst.

"Dagur. "

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