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The village was in an uproar. The Screaming Death attack had made a big impact on us but we're managing as much as we can. But that isn't why we are upset.

"The book is missing!" A angry Gobber exclaims.

The book Gobber was referring to is called "The Book of Dragons". Gobbers ancestor had created the book and written details about most of the dragons we know today. The retired black smith had given the book to Hiccup to add new details for not killing dragons but to train them. Now that book is missing. If ever in the wrong hands Hel will break loss.

"So that's why." Hiccup mumbles in thought,his body leaning against his brother as he glares at the floor.

"What son?" Asks Stoick.

"The screaming death and his siblings were nothing more than an distraction so the thief or thieves to take the book unnoticed. "He explains.

"But," began Fishlegs. "How did they know about it?"

That was a good question with a terrible answer. Someone from our tribe had given the intruders information about the book and gave it to them during the scuffle. But who?


Who would be so selfish enough to try to get rid of the dragons by putting their own village at risk? Who hates dragons with such a passion to betray their own people? I have a feeling that I know who.

I couldn't blame him though. We as vikings were raised to hate dragons to the core but it is time to let go of the past and look to the future. Then again we are still in the early stages of doing so.

I walk through the destroyed patches of vegetables to the damaged house that lay hidden in the shadows behind the great hall. As the chiefs wife and second leader of the village it is my job to speak to my people,no matter how dark their heart is.

Knocking on the worn out door,it creeps open at my touch. Inside I saw no one.

"Mildew?" I call out only to get no response.

The room waa bare with only a few decorations,three painting of his deceased wives and a sheep. A few weapons hung from the fire place and his bed again the far wall. Just like his heart I could see the loneliness in his home. I turned to make my leave when I'm met with weary aged eyes.

"Mildew!" I jump back a little in surprise."I'm sorry for intruding."

"Not at all." Mildew says as he enters his home.

He goes to the hearth to start a fire since it was growing dark and the nights are cold.

"How can I help you?"He then asks.

"I- I" I hoped my suspensions were wrong and that he hadn't betrayed our tribe but I cannot turn the other cheek at his selfish actions."Did you do it Mildew?"

Mildew stares at the now burning ambers,the silence is tense but I do not back down,nlt until I get an answer.

"You never cease to amaze me Valhallarama." Mildew says. "You never blamed the dragons for taking your child,never blamed them for raiding and nearly wipimg out our village. But you do find ways to blame the people claiming we are the ones at fault for the beasts actions.

"I did what needed to be done Valka. Your son will ruin is all with this nonsense of peace with the beasts. When will you realise that to gain peace you must also sacrifice?"

I was about to retort when my eyes caught sight of a large shadow looming over me. Quickly I spun around to see a man whom I never seen in the village. He wears a large grin on his face as he grabs me,using his strenght against my own.

"I'm sorry Valka but this is the only way to return Berk to its glory." Those were the last words I heard before an hard object collids with my head knocking me out cold.

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