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Night has become distant. To the others it doesn't seem to notice it but being his brother I am able to spot it. Ever since that training exercise I knew that something was wrong. He returned with a bloody hand and claimed he tripped and injured it with a sharp rock. But there was another person's blood slightly mixed in with his own,not by much but still.

What are you hiding from me Night? I confront him one day after a long day of flying.

What do you mean? He looks up at his map deep in thought. Half of it has been marked off which was becoming very suspicious.

Don't play dumb with me,I've known you all our lives and I know when you're hiding some thing.

Nights sighs but says nothing in return. Instead he gets ready for bed. He climbs into his wooden and furred covered bed instead of his usual spot in the nest.

Fine be that way! I growled. I hop onto the sky window and take flight to Astrids nest. Next to it was Stormflies nest, she was asleep. I didn't want to bother her but I knew speaking with the others won't really help me solve my problem. I've really connected with the Nadder, she is one of those who understands me.

Stormfly. I nudge her lightly.

Hmm,Toothless? What's wrong?

I tell her what's been going on with my brother, she listens as I rant about how upset I was and how I questioned Nights behavior.

Don't you trust your brother? She asks.

Of course I do,its just I don't think he trusts me! I confessed. We used to be so close but as the years go by, Night is drifting farther away.

Toothless,I understand you two only had each other after your mother passed,but from what I understand, Night is growing up. You are too. There are some things growing species cannot share.

He'll come around Toothless,trust in your brother. What ever it is that is going on is only for him to know. All you have to do is wait for him.

I sighed with a nod. Stormfly scoots over to make room for me to lay next to her. I curled up with her and once warmed up I feel asleep.

Toothless has been staying the night for several days now. He seems to be depressed and Hiccup a bit distant. Its bugging me to no end. We've haven't been spending much time with one another in weeks. Is our relationship dying?

I make my way to the Haddack residence to speak to only person I knew to talk to.

"Mrs.Haddack. "I called into the house to find the woman sewing up a few shirts that were obviously her husband's.

"Astrid come in come in. If you're looking for my son he isn't here. "She says with a smoke not bothering to look up from her work.

"I know it's just I need to talk yo you,or rather ask you something that has to find with him,us." I replied.

"Oh." She then sets her work aside and motions me to sit on the stool next to her. I did as told. "Now tell me what's the matter."

I told her about Toothless and how Hiccup has been distant from every one lately, mostly me.

"I'm afraid he's going to break off our relationship." I confessed. It scares me to the bone to even think about it.

"Oh dear," Valka puts a comforting hand on my knee with a gentle squeeze. "I think he has a lot on his mind right now. Most men don't want to trouble any one, especially their loved ones. Give him some time and he'll eventually tell you."

Feeling only a slight bit better I thank her and leave for her to finish her maiden chores.

On the way home I was stopped by Ruffnut. "Hiccup said to meet him by the "secret place". Where is that hmm?" I push her away as she tried to get me to talk loving the idea that it was something secret.
I head to the cove where I was to meet Hiccup. It was late evening by the time I got there and there was no sign of him. If this was a trick I'll kill Ruffnut.But then again if she knew about our hideout she and her brother would've left a prank of some sort here already.

Suddenly a felt arms wrap around my waist and a head resting on my shoulders.

"Hiccup?" I tilt my head to see Hiccups mess of brunette hair.

He spins me around so I'd face him.I almost gasped when I saw his eyes.

Eyes of a prediture. A beast who needed to be feed.

"Hiccup? "He doesn't respond when I'm them pushed to the ground with him on top. I struggled to get free of his grasp only for his nails to dig in deeper into my skin.

A hand begins to roam my body, causing me to tremble. Kiss lips suck roughly on my neck and travels down to my chest,with his free hand which I then noticed were cover in man made claws,ripped my shirt in two! He licks my exposed skin with hunger.

With his bare hand he travels under my skirt and massages between my legs.


He rubs deeper, his eyes, they frighten me.


I push him away or at least I tried to. He continues on with his assault as if he couldn't hear the protest of my words or seeing my actions.

Then he positioned himself between me, read to enter. I could feel him, I knew if he went any further it wouldn't be gentle,he'll only send agonizing pain.

No this isn't you Hiccup. This isn't the person I feel in love with.





The sound of my hand hitting the impact of his face echoed through the cove. He stops. His eyes dead, his position stilled. He looked like Hiccup but he wasn't.
He was a beast.

I push him off of me and began to run as far as I could from him. Tears run down my face,I felt so violated, so used and by him! I thought he loved me but I guess I was wrong.

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