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I jump on all fours from the place in the nest that I slept in with Astrid. She wanted me to accompany her to sleep and since I'm the reason for her fatigue, I agreed,it was the least I could do for her. The sound wakes her up as well as she pullout her axe she had under the nest.

I listen more closely to the mysterious sound. My senses tingling in a alarming rate. Cautiously, I climb down the stairs and out the house. I look both ways when I see most of the village in shambles!

Large craters were in different places in the ground, sinking a few houses and other things near it.

"What's going on?" Astrid asks looking our with me.

I narrowed my eyes unsure. "I don't know but I have a feeling it's something we're all not going to like."

I sniff the air hoping something would be picked up, but nothing.Vikings, dragons and farm animals that were scattered out of fright.

"Hiccup! "My father approaches with a scowl but I was aware it wasn't for me. It was for the damage in his village. "What in the name of Thor is going on?"

I shrugged. Toothless! You there?

At my call Toothless grunts and I then notice the little nest made for Stormfly nothing but lumber. Quickly Astrid,dad and I remove the large amounts of wood so the two were free from the wreight.

Toothless was covering the Nadder with his own body, preventing her from harm. I smirk at this.

Shut it Night! My brother growls only for me to grin wider but I say nothing.

What was that? Stormfly asks.

That's what we all wish to know. I sighed.

We all protoled the village and observed the holes,more like tunnels. Tunnels! Oh Thor please tell me its not what I think it is!

At that moment my ears pick up...whispering.Everyone could hear it as it got louder every second that passed until it stops. All was silent. Every one seemed to relax after but the dragons and I kept our guards up.




A voice whispers repeatedly. Toothless growls at the ground underneath us. Quickly as the ground shifts, I grab Astrid just in time before being sucked into a newly created hole. But it wasn't the hole I was worried about. It was the creator.

It was a young Whispering Death hatchling. It looks frantically for something or someone as it then flies around destroying anything in its path with its winding quelled tail.

"What was that?" Asked Astrid.

"That was a Whispering Death!" Fishlegs says as he explains his knowledge of its species.


Mother where are you?!

Mother? Where is she, they need guidence or they'll die if not taught how to control its abilities.
Why is there a Whispering Death hatchling on this island? Skrilla asks once next to me.

Skrilla lives in the forest still unfamiliar with living with humans, and plans to stay until the Beserkers are dealt with.

She has a point. My brother adds.

The whispering deaths have several islands of their own where they can make many mazes underground. So to be here is a mystery I hope to solve.


I hold my ears at the sudden cry. It sounded desperate and anger. My ears felt like they were bleeding from the inside out as it continues to call out for the missing mother.

"What's in the name of Thor!" Dad gasps as the question to the cry is answered.

A large white hybrid whispering death emerged from the ground followed by two others whom I assume are its siblings. It looks like a Whispering Death but it's voice, its the opposite, it screams!

Its raging crimson eyes scans the village. Where is our mother,barbarians!

He thinks we have their mother. Stormfly states the obvious.

We don't have her! I call out to him.


Stubborn,of course he wouldn't understand reason at a young age.

He's telling the truth, you are the only Whispering deaths here! Skrilla ways but it doesn't get through to either of them.

We don't have a choice Night,if they stay any longer there won't be a Berk. Toothless says as he growls in defense at the litter of hatchlings.

I'm against harming young dragons more then anything but I will not risk my family and home to become nothing but a bile of rubble.

The Dragon Prince (Discontinued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat