Chapter 16: Through Blue Eyes

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The past two hours have been the longest of my life! We've been waiting for the blood results for two hours and in those two hours about 10 words have been spoken. I think this is the quietest the boys have ever been. Ever.

Nobody knows what to say. Not even Louis. We all just sit in fear of the inevitable. The doctors gonna come in here and either tell us my kidneys are failing or that something else is wrong.

"What time is it?" I ask anyone in the room

"12:47pm" Harry answers quietly. Damn we've been here for hours

The door suddenly opens and all the boys and Paul stand up immediately. Dr. Carl walks in with a glum look on his face

"You have the results?" Louis asks eagerly speaking for the first time in two hours

"I do yes. I'm sorry but I really only have bad news and bad news" he sighs sitting down in a chair next to my bed

"Well I guess I'll hear the bad news first then" I say feeling my heart sink to the floor

He sighs "well I was right it's your kidneys and they aren't just failing they have failed." My heart drops somehow lower than it already was

"So what does that mean?" Liam asks him taking my hand in his comfortingly

"Well that's the other bad news. As I'm sure you know a person can't live without kidneys. If Niall doesn't receive a transplant within the next 24 hours then..." He trails off

"I'll die?" I ask quietly tears threatening to spill but I don't let them

"I'm afraid so. Normally you would be placed on the transplant list to wait for a donor but obviously we don't have that kind of time. You need a live donor. Do you have any family parents?  Siblings?" He asks as I take a shaky breath. My brain still trying to comprehend all that he just told me. I have so many questions. But the fear of my clock running out of time now stops me from asking anything.

"I do but they all live in Ireland" I explain

"It would take them at least a day and a half to get here" Paul adds

Dr. Carl sighs and we sit in silence a moment "what about one of us?" Liam asks and I look up at him shocked

"What?" Dr. Carl and I ask at the same time. Creepy.

"You said he needs a live donor why can't one of us donate?" Liam asks dead serious

"Well yes but there's a list of tests that need to be done to see if any of you qualify and even then you may not"

"We don't care. We'll do any tests we have to" Louis adds nodding

Harry nods "Anything for Niall"

"No guys I won't let you this is crazy I'll find someone else I can't ask you to do this!" I tell them not wanting any of them to be crazy enough to do this

"You're not asking us we're offering. You would do it for one of us wouldn't you?" Louis asks coming closer to me

"Well yeah but-" Louis cuts me off quickly

"But nothing. We love you Niall and we would do ANYTHING to save you. You aren't dying today Niall" He tells me and I'm speechless

"I don't know what to say mates I-"

"You don't have to say anything Niall." Harry smiles warmly at me

"Alright. You can apply to be a direct donor but we need to start getting you tested now cause there's a lot that needs to be done in a short amount of time" Dr. Carl tells them

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