Chapter 5

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Harry's P.O.V

How am I supposed to tell Niall that I have a crush on his ex? He'll eventually find out one way or another(see what I did there?). She's just so irresistible. I mean, he was the one who left her so she doesn't deserve him. I just have to make a move before he does.

Amy's P.O.V

I woke up with a terrible headache from crying. I got up and took an Advil and started my morning routine. I took a shower and washed my hair with my strawberry shampoo. I quickly dried off and went to my closet to find something to wear. I put on a teal crop top, floral shorts, and white sandals with bows on them. I added my lucky ring and a tan beaded necklace. I checked my phone and saw that I had three unread messages: one from Ally, one from Katie, and one from an unknown number.

Ally: Where did you go?? You ran out of the room like a rocket!!

Katie: WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO? One minute your sitting on the couch, the next minute your running out the door.... Wait now I get it. Okay just text me back :) xx

I chuckled at Katie's text and told them that I decided to walk home. I opened the message from the unknown number and read it:

Look, I'm sorry for everything I did. I don't blame you if you don't forgive for a long time. I was an idiot and I was too busy thinking if I should have told you that I was leaving to audition on the X FACTOR, that I forgot out anniversary. My mind was so out of whack that week, I couldn't think straight. I know it will take for us to build back the relationship we had, but I am willing to do anything to win your heart back. I never stopped loving you. Niall xx

How in the world did he get my number. Probably Ally. She always gives my number to boys. Don't ask why. Just to get this situation out of mind, I decided to text Jake.

A- Hii :)

J- Hey there

A- Whatcha doing?

J- Getting ready for school. What about you? :)

A- Texting you

J- Hey, I gotta go, but ill text you after school. We should hangout.

A- Okayy bye xx

I shoved my iPhone into my back pocket and grabbed my purse and a apple since I didn't have an appetite for a big breakfast. I just hope this day goes by fast.

After school------------

I walked in my apartment and plopped down on my couch. I didn't feel like the channels on the TV, so I just watched Spongebob. My phone vibrated in my back which made me giggle. It tickled my booty. I pulled out my phone and saw it was a message from Jake.

J- I'll pick you up at 7:00

A- Where are we going??

J- That's for me to know, and you to find out

Ugh. I really hate when boys do that. They always leave you with questions. Like now I have no idea what to wear. Casual? Formal? Sporty? I just put on an oversized jumper as if was still a little chilly in spring in London, black leggings, and some flats. I curled my hair and redid my makeup. I was finished at 7:00. Just in time. The doorbell rang and I quickly grabbed my phone and double checked my appearance.

I opened the door to a smiling Jake. He was wearing a red polo shirt, tan pants, and white Nikes. Reminded me of something Niall would wear....... Just stop Amy. Your going out with Jake to forget about him. I was snapped put my thoughts when Jake said "Ready to go?"

I nodded and followed him out to his car. He opened the car door for me and I blushed. He ran around the front of the car and got in the driver's seat.

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