Chapter 6

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2 Months Later


Amy's P.O.V

I can't believe this is happening. Me, Amy Edwards, it going in tour with One Direction. I checked my suitcases, just to make sure I had everything I needed. The girls said the would pick me up around 11:00am, as our flight was at 12:00. It was 10:45 right now, so I went downstairs to watch TV. The remote was so far away(couch to table) and I didn't feel like getting it so I just watched Spongebob.

About 20 minutes later, the doorbell rang. I ran upstairs, grabbed my suitcases, and ran back down the stairs.

I opened the door and Ally was standing at the front desk.

"Are you ready for this?" She asked.

"Hell yes! We better go before Katie gets impatient."

Ally nodded and I followed her to the car. I put my suitcases on top of the others in the trunk. I sat in the backseat and we drove off.

We arrived at the airport and went through all that security stuff and blah, blah, blah. We sat down near our gate before our flight was called. I was just staring in to space, while Katie and Ally were discussing bed arrangements when were on the tour bus.

"Okay so, Amy gets the lower bunk, and we get the top bunk." Katie says.

"No, you get the top bunk, and I just sleep with Harry." Ally replies.

"You barely even know him."

"That doesn't mean I can't get to know him."

I chuckle at their conversation, when they shoot me death glares. I immediately shut up and try to stifle more laughs.

"Flight 246 to Miami now boarding." The lady says on the intercom. I jump up from my seat and ran towards the lady. I gave her my ticket and ran some more. I was super excited when I found out that I got the window seat. Ally was in the middle and Katie was on the outside.

The plane took off about 15 minutes later. I pulled out my iPod and listened to Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey. I absolutely love that song. I looked over to my right, and saw that Ally and Katie were already asleep. How is that even possible? After about an hour or so of listening, I fell into a deep sleep.

"Amy, wake up."

"Amy, wake up. We've landed in Miami."

My eyes opened to Ally, who look a little fustrated. I sighed and looked around. We were the only ones on the plane, so I'm guessing Katie is waiting for us. I got out of my seat and followed Ally out of the plane.

Sure enough, Katie was waiting for us at the baggage claim, with our luggage. She must have remembered what ours look like. We exited the airport and wait for the boys to come pick us up. It's around 4:00 here. I am pretty tired, not just because of the flight, but also because of jetlag. I still want to go to the beach before the day is over.

The boys come and pick us up, and take us to the hotel they're staying at. There is a mob of fans crowding the front door, so we go through the back door. How are the boys so calm about this? I know that they are probably used to it, but I would have pulled out 10 strands of hair at once if this was me.

The hotel room is massive! It has three master bedrooms, two bathrooms and one has a jacuzzi, a balcony facing the beach, and beautiful kitchen and living room. You could mistake this room as a smaller version of a house. I pick the room with a beach view window and began to unpack some of my stuff, because we were only staying here for two days.

Ally's P.O.V.

Lucky Amy got the beach view window. If I hadn't been talking to the boys, I would have gotten it first. Anyways, the boys invited us to go to the beach with them in about 30 minutes, because I take a long time to get ready.

"ROOM MEETING!" I shouted.

Amy came in the living room, looking at me like I was crazy, and Katie..... Katie looked like crap. Her eyes were red and she had bags under her eyes.

"The boys invited us to go to the beach with us in about half an hour. Anybody wanna come?" I asked.

"I'll go." Amy said. Katie just shook her head no and went back to her room. I shrugged it off and went to go get ready.

Amy's P.O.V

I can't believe I agreed to go to the beach. I am super tired, but an energy drink can help, right? I told Ally I would be right back and walked down the hall to the vending machine. I decided against an energy drink, and got a Dr. Pepper instead. As I was paying for my drink, I saw a familiar head of blonde hair walking towards me. Niall.

"I see someone's a little hungry."

"I'm just thristy and tired. So, I need something that will keep me awake."

"Are you coming the beach with us." Niall asks with a nervous smile.

"Of course, I couldn't miss an opportunity like this."

"Well see you then?"

"Yea, um see you then." I walk back towards my room without looking back. Everything has been so awkward between us, and I know going to the beach will make it more awkward. 

I didn't bring any one-piece swimsuits, so I guess I'm stuck with two-pieces. I grab my American flag and get dressed. (Picture on the side)


Sorry  I haven't updated in a while. I am on vacation and I'm usually out for most the of the day. I will update at night most of the time. Will update tomorrow or Monday.




Taylor xx

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