Chapter 12

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Amy's P.O.V

Louisville, Kentucky

Staying with Niall went fast as hell. Before I knew it, it was time for us to go to the concert.

After what happened at the last concert, I didn't want to go. I begged Niall if I could stay here, but there was no way I was going to change his mind. Plus, I made a deal with him that I would go to the first concert in every city.

Things between Harry and and I are awkward. We're like best friends, but all that changed when he admitted he had feelings for me.

Katie finally came to the concert with us. She had been video chatting her boyfriend all day, so she needed some fresh air.

We arrived at the arena, flooded by hundreds of screaming girls. They do know that they could get nodes right?

I followed Niall to his dressing room, since it's filled with snacks.

I grabbed and bag of chips and plopped down on the couch. Niall was busy getting his hair done and all that good stuff.

Niall started making funny faces in the mirror, which made me laugh.

"Niall stop making me laugh. I'm going to choke on these chips." I mumbled, my mouth full of chips.

"Then don't look." Niall smiled and continued to make funny faces. Time for a little pranking.

I made sure there weren't any chips in my mouth. I crushed a chip in my had to make it seem like I was chewing.

"Niall, I told you to st-" I made fake coughing noises to make it seem like I was choking.

I saw Niall's eyes get wide in the mirror. I had a hard time to keep coughing, instead of laughing.

Niall rushed over to me and grabbed my hand. He looked really panicked.

"Look baby, everything's going to be okay. Somebody go call ambulance!" Niall shouted.

This was cue to stop coughing. I laughed, looking at Niall's priceless face.

"I.... got.... you." I said in between laughs.

"What the hell was that?" Niall asked in disbelief.

"I told you not to make me laugh while I'm eating."

"Don't joke around like that. I thought you really were choking." He said sternly.

"Lighten up. Now come on, the concert starts soon." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the dressing room.

The other were already ready. I guess we were late. Before climbed up the stairs, I pulled him back and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Don't have too much fun out there without me." I smiled. He gave me that precious smile and disappeared in front of the wall.

"I don't get a good luck kiss?" Louis whined. I laughed and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and mumbled a 'good luck'.

Good thing Harry wasn't there or it just would be awkward.

I haven't gotten a headache from the screaming just yet. Maybe I would actually enjoy this concert.


After the concert

Finally, no headaches at this concert. The arena was filled with so much energy, that it was almost overwhelming. I even started to song some of their songs.

And to think, that I did not like this band a few months ago. Friends can change you.

Tomorrow was the boys last show in Louisville, so the girls and I wanted a day to ourselves. In translation, this means shopping. So I had to make sure I got a good night sleep.


I woke up with the sun in my face. I looked at the clock on the dresser.

It read 9:48am.

I rolled out of bed and padded toward the kitchen. Ally was eating a bowl of cereal while scrolling through her phone.

She looked up and smiled.

"Good morning!" She perked.

I mumbled a 'good morning' and made my way toward the refrigerator. I grabbed the orange juice and poured myself a glass.

"So what time are we going shopping?" I asked.

"I was thinking around 11. Just before the lunch crowd."

I nodded and went back to my room to pick out my clothes. I grabbed a plain white v-neck, a sleeveless jean jacket, jean shorts, and a pair of my favorite sperrys.

I went to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. The warm pellets of water continuously hit my skin. I washed my hair and body.

I turned off the faucet and stepped out. I dried my body and made there wasn't any way dripping from the ends of my hair.

I slipped on my clothes and blow dried my hair. I slightly curled my hair and put on a minimal amount of makeup.

By the time I was finished, Katie was taking a shower. One day, being slow is going to backfire on her.

While Katie was dressing, I texted Niall and said that the girls and I would be shopping, just in case he got worried.

Katie finally finished, and we headed out. The shops were a few blocks down, so we decided to walk.

Most of shopping consisted of Ally going to every store, Katie complaining that she's tired, and me always going to the food court.

As we were walking back, my phone vibrated indicating I received a text. I unlocked my phone and read the text.

Harry: When you come back, come up to my room please?

I sighed knowing I couldn't resist. I have to let Harry know that I don't like him that way. But, I couldn't stand to see him crushed. I wasn't sure when I was going to tell him.


Woo hoo!!! I finally finished. I typed this all up in 30 minutes.

Please let this be 2 pages or more. I really try to make these chapters longer, but I don't want to give away too much information.

I was thinking about making goals?? Tell me what you think about that, so I feel like I'm rewarding you guys for getting awarded.

Gahhh, this is a long authors note. But if you read all of this, I LOVE YOU XX




Taylor xx

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