Chapter 7

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Amy's P.O.V.
Miami, Florida

Ally and I headed down to beach, as we thought the boys would already be down there. Ally started running, with me trying to catch up. I stopped trying, because I wasn't in the best shape, since I love food. Food is my life.

The walk seemed to last for hours. Finally, we reached the beach. I took off my flip flops, and let the sand sink in between my toes. I sighed and looked around. Ally wasn't next to me anymore. I swear, I need to buy this girl a leash.

The beach wasn't exactly crowded, but it was no where near empty. I started to walk right, when I heard a bunch of screaming. I turned around and saw a bunch of girls crowded in a circle. I slapped myself on the head. Of course, screaming girls=One Direction=Ally. I walked over to them, and ran around the circle to try and find Ally. Maybe she was in the middle.

I made my way to center to find Ally hugging on to Harry for dear life.


I grabbed Ally's arm and began to pull her out.


I laughed and pulled her until we were out of the crowd. Ally turned around and slapped me, hard. I grabbed my cheek in pain.

"Oh my gerd. I'm so sorry Amy! I didn't know it was you. I thought I was gonna get kidnapped, held captive for 20 years and die. Harry was just standing there like an idiot, signing girls posters and I was screaming Ha-"

"Okay, I get it. You could have looked to see who it was first though."

"I know, but if I was being kidnapped, I don't care what they look like at the moment. Now let's go find a spot, and wait for the boys." She smiled and skipped off.

I looked back and there were still girls crowding them. Well, Ally and I will be waiting for a long time.

I walk in the direction Ally went, and found her sitting in a spot that was right in front of our hotel.

I sat down next to her and took off my sundress.

"I'm going for a quick swim. You coming?" I asked.

"No, I'll just stay here and tan, but first we need sunscreen." Ally said.

After we put sunscreen on, I looked back towards where the crowd of screaming girls were, and they were longer there. So I'm guessing the boys are looking for us. They'll eventually find us, right? They have Liam.

I walked towards where the water meets the shore and waited for the water to come up. When the cold water touched my feet, I squealed and ran back to dry sand.

I was just standing there when I felt myself being lifted and thrown over somebody's shoulder. I screamed and looked down. The sand was no longer dry. So we must be heading to the ocean. To swim to a boat. Where I will be living for the of life. Without completing my bucket list.

Wow, Ally has me thinking to much. I was interrupted of my thoughts, when I felt myself drop into cold water.

I popped my head up and saw Niall laughing. I gave the evil eyes and put a smirk on my face. Time to have some fun.

I screamed and pretended that something was pulling me away.

"NIALL HELP! SOMETHING'S GOT MY FOOT!" I screamed as Niall's eyes got wide. He made his way towards me and held out an arm. I grabbed it and pulled it back. He landed face first into the water.

I started to laugh uncontrollably. Niall had a smirk on his face when he came back up. We ended up having a dunking contest. Just as Niall was about to dunk me, he was interrupted.


Niall and I looked at each other.

"We will continue this game later." Niall said. I just laughed and started walking towards our spot.

Harry's P.O.V

Look at them. Having fun. Enjoying each others company. What was this feeling I had in my chest? Jealousy?

I had to tell Amy how I felt about her, now. I can just see how Niall and Amy's relationship is coming back together. I can't let that happen.

I walk back to my hotel room and changed into a white v-neck, black skinny jeans, and white converse.

I walked out of my room and take stairs to the back entrance of the hotel. I hop in the van and notice I'm the only one in here.

Amy was falling for Niall, hard.

But I have to stop that.
Is this enough to make up for not updating for a while? I hope so because it is 3:18 in the morning, and I did it for you guys.

Next update is this week :)




Taylor xx

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