Chapter 8

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Ally's P.O.V

Miami, Florida

Oh em gee, second One Direction concert. Plus, seeing the show from backstage. Could this day get any better?

When Amy and I got to our hotel room , Katie was still asleep. Lazy.

Right now, I was about to pull out my hair because I didn't know what to wear. By the way, I can tell that Harry isn't really in to me. He's been looking at Amy allot. I mean I should feel happy that the Harry Styles likes her, right? But I couldn't help, but feel jealously. What if she likes him back? Psh, that's not possible. She likes Niall, I wasn't sure if I could use "love".

Anyways, I grabbed my colbalt blue dress with a skinny black belt and put it on. I grabbed a pair of my black heels and slipped them on. I did a smokey cat eye, and added a little bit of natural-colored lipstick. I re-straightened my hair and smiled in the mirror.


I walked out and saw Amy on the couch, watching Spongebob. You would not believe what she was wearing.

A plain grey t-shirt(more like an athletic t-shirt), jean shorts, and Sperry's that I bought her for her birthday. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail. I cleared my throat to get Amy's attention. She turned around and her eyes got wide.

"Woah, somebody's dressed up, just for a concert." She teased.

"Well, you have to make impressions." I said.

"For who?" Amy questioned.

"You know, paparazzi, fans, and of course, Harry." I blushed when I said "Harry".

"Okay then. Well, grab your purse because we have to go. Like right now." Amy said and grabbed to the remote to turn off the TV.

I grabbed my purse of the kitchen counter just as Amy shoved her phone into her pocket.

"We'll be back!" Amy and I screamed at Katie. She mumbled a few words that I could understand, so I'll just take that as an "ok". Well, we're off to another One Direction concert.

Amy's P.O.V

Ally and I made our way down the stairs, since the elevators were probably crowded. We went out the back door of the hotel, and saw that all the boys were in the car. Well I guess that we were late.

I followed Ally and hopped in the car. Ally sat next to Louis, who was sitting next to Zayn. I sat in between Niall and Harry, while Liam sat in the passenger seat. A few minutes later, we were off to the concert.

I could sense Harry staring at me, so I turned my head to look at him. We made eye contact for a split second, but he immediatly turned his head to look out the window.

Well that was odd.

I continued my conversation with Niall, just talking about our most embarrasing moments. This boy's laughter just fills my heart.

We arrived at American Airlines Arena surrounded, by  what seemed like, millions of fans. They were screaming the boys' names and banging on the windows. I thought they were going to break it. If you were driving through this crowd, you would have to have lots, and I mean LOTS of patience. The fans just wouldn't move.

We, eventually, made it to the entrance. I got out of the car and followed the boys backstage. Ally and I headed to their dressing rooms, while the boys took pictures with fans.

Ally went in Harry's dressing room, and I went into Niall's. I immediatly went to the fridge and took out an apple. I haven't eaten anything since we came back to beach. I was also tired. I went back to the couch and sat down.

I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I let sleep take over me.



"Amy, wake up."

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. My eyes met with Niall's.

"Get up sleepyhead. The concert is starting in 5 minutes." Niall said.

I mumbled a few words that made Niall laugh. Niall exited the dressing room, as I sat up. I had a slight headache, that I felt was going to get worse. I looked around the dressing room for some asprin, but didn't find any. Maybe Lou has some?

I walked out of the dressing room, and saw Lou talking to Niall. I tapped on her shoulder and smiled. She turned and around  and gave me a hug.

"You must be Amy. It's so nice to finally meet you. Niall has been telling me allot you." Lou said with a smirk.

I blushed and said, "Yea, that's me. It's nice to meet you too. I was just wondering if you have some asprin."

"Yes I do. Follow me." Lou said and walked down the hallway. I started walking, when Niall grabbed my wrist.

'What's wrong babe?" Niall asked, with worry.

"Just a little headache, nothing to worry about." I reasurred him and followed Lou to Harry's dressing room. She reached inside her purse and pulled out a bottle of asprin.

"Here, and keep it. You'll be needing it." She smiled and I thanked her. She walked out as I popped a pill in my mouth and swallowed. I wish these things had an instant effect.

I walked out and saw that the boys were on stage. The screams were absolutely defeaning. Ally's screams were annoying too. 

After the show, I hugged all the boys, even though they were nasty, sweaty, and all the stuff. I was walking towards Niall's dressing room, when I felt someone tug on my wrist. I turned around and faced Harry with a serious look on his face.

"We need to talk."


I didn't torture you guys too much with that cliffhanger right? Okay, so I'm sorry I didn't update my books yesterday. I was so busy, that I didn't have anytime. This is also the only book I'm updating today. I only had time to write a chapter for one.

I hope it's long enough.

Next update for this book Sunday.




Taylor xx

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