Act 4-Day Off

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It would be almost a month since Nadi started to work in the palace. As always, Akashi didn't let Nadi leave his side.

"What is the central concept of Daode-Jing?"


"The lengths of side AB and side BC of a scalene triangle ABC are 12 cm and 8 cm respectively. The size of angle C is 59o. Find the length of side AC."


"Ya! At least solve! Don't just answer immediately!" Nadi pouted her lips as she was so depressed that all her questions were being answered by Akashi and he answered immediately. He asked her to ask him questions from his notes, and he said that they would be having an exam once the school starts again.

"We're doing this for almost an hour and you answer everything" she complained again scanning all Akashi's notes "You are smart enough. You don't need this"

"Just hurry up and ask the next question" Akashi ordered as he was also busy playing shogi

"Tsk, this stupid prince" Nadi mumbled in annoyance

"Did you say something?"

"Nothing, let's continue" she grinned as she grabbed the calculus notes and showed him the graph "Find an equation of the line tangent to the graph of at x=-1."

"y - 0 = -2 (x - (-1) ) or y = -2x – 2"

"How did you do that?!" Nadi was so frustrated that again, Akashi answered it "Wait, I'm going to check it"

"You know how?" Akashi teasingly asked that made her even more irritated

"Of course, I am in my last year"

"You are?!" Akashi's eyes widened "How old are you?"

"18?" Nadi answered though when she answered she was quite unsure

"Why are you unsure about your age?"

"One wrong answer, he'll think again that I am Nadeshiko" Nadi thought "Well, it doesn't matter, right? I am in 3rd year, and I am graduating soon" She grinned then immediately asked him a question "What is a culture that flourished in the regions surroundings the mouth of the Yangzi River, where later the states of Wu and Yue would thrive?"

"Liangzhu" Akashi immediately answered

"Ah, frustrating. By the way, your answer in the line of tangent was correct"

"Of course, I am correct. I am always correct"

"Ah, okay" that was her only reaction as she looked at the time "Ah, I need to see the supervisor" Nadi stacked the pile of papers then stood up "I'll be back"

"Why do you need to see her?"

"Well, I will be having my day off this coming weekend." She enthusiastically said as she immediately bowed down and left the room

"Day off?!" Akashi mumbled and he seemed shocked to what he heard "You are kidding, right?!"

Nadi happily walked towards to see her supervisor when

"NADESHIKO?!" Shigure shouted in surprised "YOU BITCH! YOU ARE ALIVE?!"

Nadi's emerald green eyes widened but immediately lowered her gaze "Shigure-sama, I apologized, but I am Kudou Nadi."

"Kudou Nadi?!" Shigure raised her brow and glared at Nadi "Ah, you are right. It is impossible since that bitch Nadeshiko is already dead. Then why did you come out of Seijuro's room, huh?! You flirt! I, as the crown princess, never enter the chamber of the crown prince, ans yet you, filthy servants just came out of his room?!"

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